Aggregated Bond Market Indicators

Date: {{currentDate | date:'dd.MM.yyyy'}}
Bond type Nominal Issue Size, mln. RUB Trading value, mln. RUB
Trading value, mln. RUB
Nominal turnover coefficient,
Weighted avarage maturity, years
Main trading mode Negotiated deals mode Main trading mode Negotiated deals mode Main trading mode Negotiated deals mode
{{item[] | thousandsSeparator}} {{item[]}}
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Formulae used:


1. Nominal issue size

2. Trading value (nominal)

3. Trading value (prices)

4. Weighted avarage maturity

5. Nominal turnover coefficient


Qi,t – Quantity of bond units on day t;

Ni,t – Bond issue nominal on day t;

Voli,t – Quantity of bond units traded in Main traiding mode on day t;

Vali,t – Traded value on day t;

Ai,t – Accrued interest on day t;

Ti – Quantity of days before maturity date (or next put option date).