24.05.2016 14:13

Plaza2 gate hot-backup UAT

Dear clients of MOEX Derivatives market,

Moscow Exchange would like to inform you that new PlazaII hot-backup functionality has been implemented and is now available for testing on test environment. This new functionality allows clients to set up multiple parallel connections to independent and reserved market data distribution servers and order routing servers to keep redundant connectivity for the client-side software.

If you would like to test new functionality, you should:

1.     Contact us at help@moex.com to request additional PlazaII login replicating your current PlazaII login parameters

2.     Connect additional login to the addresses listed below

3.     Update your own software and allow it to process two redundant datasets

For your convenience we have developed documentation and code samples which are available at our ftp site: ftp://ftp.moex.com/pub/FORTS/test/CGate/multiple_connector/

Additional UAT addresses set for redundant connectivity:

Connection from colocation and leased lines Internet connection Description Order routing link Auxiliary trading data (POS, PART, VM, СLR) Basic trading data (AGGR, TRADE, DEAL, ORDLOG, COMMON) Snapshot (historical data)

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.