02.12.2016 15:01

Changes in equities market reports stylesheets, new CurrencyId field in SEM11 are planned for the 2nd half of December

The following changes to equities market xml reports are planned for the 2nd half of December:

1. Structure of Consolidated Order Register (SEM11) will be extended with obligatory "CurrencyId" field (Settlement currency identifier). This field will be added to the "SEM11" node.

Please find all the related technical information at http://moex.com/s2008 .

2. In relation to Moscow Exchange reorganization in the form of accession of MICEX Stock Exchange and MB Technologies (http://www.moex.com/n13677/?nt=207), Moscow Exchange will become the Organizer of trading on securities market (currently - MICEX Stock Exchange). The corresponding changes will be made to printable formats of xml reports via introducing new XSLT stylesheets. This modification does not affect reports structure and data format, thereby no changes will be made to XSD schemas, except SEM11 (described in para. 1).

New stylesheets are introduced for EQM15 and all SEM* reports.

New XSLT stylesheets are already available on FTP server (with 01122016 code in file name): ftp://ftp.moex.com/pub/Reports/Equities/XSLT/

Both above mentioned changes will take effect on the date of Moscow Exchange reorganization, which is expected in the second half of December. The actual date will be announced later.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.