21.12.2017 21:22
The updated coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices to come into force
The following coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices come into force from December 22, 2017:
№ | Index code | Currency | Index Name | Divisor |
1 | MICEXINDEXCF | RUB | MOEX Russia Index | 4,408,925,727.4647 |
2 | RTSI | USD | RTS Index | 139,956,224.7984 |
3 | RTSSTD | RUB | MICEX Blue Chip Index | 547,319,679.0829 |
4 | MCXSM | RUB | MICEX SMID Index | 232,393,212.5067 |
5 | RTSSM | USD | RTS SMID Index | 4,946,450.9937 |
6 | MICEXBMI | RUB | MICEX Broad Market Index | 6,569,825,682.8107 |
7 | RUBMI | USD | RTS Broad Market Index | 204,654,705.3035 |
8 | MICEXO&G | RUB | MICEX Oil and Gas Index | 336,004,784.9212 |
9 | RTSog | USD | RTS Oil & Gas Index | 173,068,904.6603 |
10 | MICEXPWR | RUB | MICEX Power Index | 136,169,357.1275 |
11 | RTSeu | USD | RTS Electric Utilities Index | 53,712,285.6376 |
12 | MICEXTLC | RUB | MICEX Telecommunication Index | 230,358,562.6985 |
13 | RTStl | USD | RTS Telecom Index | 75,134,007.4377 |
14 | MICEXM&M | RUB | MICEX Metals and Mining Index | 179,575,136.4632 |
15 | RTSmm | USD | RTS Metals & Mining Index | 85,426,504.1893 |
16 | MICEXFNL | RUB | MICEX Financials Index | 43,763,041.3135 |
17 | RTSfn | USD | RTS Finances Index | 25,170,804.4953 |
18 | MICEXCGS | RUB | MICEX Consumer Goods and Services Index | 23,432,192.8330 |
19 | RTScr | USD | RTS Consumer & Retail Index | 10,345,506.4265 |
20 | MICEXCHM | RUB | MICEX Chemicals Index | 8,294,871.0165 |
21 | RTSch | USD | RTS Chemicals Index | 7,954,268.8759 |
22 | MICEXTRN | RUB | MICEX Transport Index | 56,809,928.5191 |
23 | RTStn | USD | RTS Transport Index | 23,249,807.6110 |
24 | MICEXINNOV | RUB | MICEX Innovation Index | 3,734,945.1019 |
25 | EPSI | RUB | Equity Subindex | 4,771,915,912.9389 |