30.11.2012 18:59

On terms and conditions of executing sales transactions with ordinary shares of Levenhuk OJSC

Please be advised that based on the notice of Levenhuk OJSC as of November 30, 2012 and in compliance with the MICEX Stock Exchange Rules of Securities trading approved by the Exchange's Board of Directors on August 22, 2012 (Minutes № 4) the terms and conditions of executing sales transactions with the ordinary shares of Levenhuk OJSC are determined as follows:

  1. Rye, Man & Gor Securities OJSC (identification number of the MICEX Stock Exchange Trading Participant: MC0202300000; hereinafter the Seller) shall sell the Shares within the trading mode "Placement: Off-Order Book Orders" as set forth below:

    1.1. MICEX Stock Exchange Trading Participants will submit off-order book orders to buy Shares using the trading system of the MICEX Stock Exchange on December 03, 04 and 05, 2012 and the Seller will receive these orders.

    1.2. The procedure of submitting orders within the trading mode "Placement: Off-Order Book Orders" includes the following specific points:

    1.2.1. The admitted settlement code is Т0 only;

    1.2.2. It is acceptable to announce a bid for a purchase of a certain quantity of lots indicating the purchase price;

    1.2.3. The size of one lot equals to 100 (one hundred) Shares within the trading mode "Placement: Off-Order Book Orders".

    1.3. The selling price of a Share is RUB13.90.

    1.4. The Seller's trading and clearing account number is L01-000000F00.

    1.3. The following schedule for trading in Shares within the trading mode "Placement: Off-Order Book Orders" is fixed:

    • Collection of bids from 10:00 to 14:00 MSK;
    • Removal of the earlier submitted orders from 10:00 to 14:00 MSK;
    • Execution period from 16:00 to 19:00 MSK.

  2. From December 06, 2012 the Shares will start trading in all the trading modes available for shares.

    • In accordance with the Rules of Securities Trading, the following information shall be added to Table 3 "The List of Shares admitted to trading in the market sector "Main Market" of the Supplement to the MICEX Stock Exchange CEO's Order as of November 28, 2012:
    • Trading code Issuer's name State registration number Type of securities
      LVHK Levenhuk OJSC 1-01-04329-D Ordinary shares

    • In accordance with the Rules of Securities Trading, on December 06, 2012 the following information shall be added to Table 9 "The List of Shares admitted to trading in the market sector "Classica" of the Supplement to the MICEX Stock Exchange CEO's Order as of November 28, 2012:

    Full company name Short company name Type of securities State registration number Instr
    Levenhuk Open Joint Stock Company Levenhuk OJSC Ordinary shares 1-01-04329-D LVHK

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.