Disaster recovery test on 22 June 2019
Dear MOEX clients,
On 22 June 2019 (Saturday) Moscow Exchange invites you to participate in the disaster recovery test.
The whole range of trading services (FX, Securities and Derivatives markets, Money market (deposits and credits without CCP), indicative quote system IQS) will be available to clients. Backoffice services (reports, EDI, client-bank, OTC reporting, client registration) are not included into this test.
Testing schedule (MSK time zone):
Part I. Start of the trading day at DSP datacenter:
- 10.00 – 10.30 – Clients connect via Universal scheme and ConnectME scheme to trading systems at the Dataspace datacenter.
- 10.30 – 11.30 – Trading period for all markets, Dataspace runs as primary datacenter. Money market will only be available for connectivity test, no auctions will be held.
- 11.30 – 12.30 – DSP failure emulation. All trading systems will be stopped, external network access to DSP will be ceased.
Part II. Continuation of the trading day at M1 datacenter:
- 12.30 – 13.00 – Clients connect to trading systems at the M1 (All trading systems will be unavailable from colocation zone at the DSP datacenter and ConnectME schemes terminated at the DSP datacenter during this stage)
- 13.00 – 14.00 – Continuation of the trading day for all trading systems. M1 runs as primary datacenter, DSP datacenter is unavailable.
Part III. Production configuration testing:
- 16.00 – 18.00 – Clients check availability of trading systems at the M1 and DSP datacenters via all connectivity options, including colocation zone at DSP datacenter and ConnectME schemes connected directly to DSP datacenter.
If you would like to participate in testing, please email your request to help@moex.com before 17:00 MSK on 20 June 2019. Your request should contain the following details:
- Contact person responsible for testing:
- For the Derivatives market:
- Broker.
- Login and clearing register used for testing.
- IP address.
For all Plaza2 gates and trading terminals logins participating in testing the passwords will be reset to 12345. Please change the new test password in the client_router.ini file for testing period and revert it to your production password after the testing is complete.
- For Securities, FX and Money markets:
- User IDs. Any changes in User IDs or IP addresses that will be made in production after 19 June 2019 won’t be available during DR test.
- IP address in case if they differ from current production IPs linked to given User IDs
If you don’t want to participate in testing, we recommend you to disconnect your systems from production environment for the weekend in order to avoid receiving test market data.
Please note that during DR test there may be periods of unavailability of MOEX web systems, including main web site (www.moex.com), ISS web service (iss.moex.com), investment marketplace (place.moex.com).