16.08.2019 12:44

Plaza II accelerated data distribution decommission

We remind you that 21 September 2019 is the planned decommission date of the Plaza II accelerated data distribution service (3ms batching).

The following addresses of the accelerated data distribution will no longer be available:

  • – main DC DSP
  • – backup DC M1

If you use this service, please change your connection settings to use the following addresses in advance:

  • – main DC DSP
  • – backup DC M1

Connection ports remain unchanged.

Note that the main streams TRADE, AGGR, COMMON, ORDLOG with the _FASTREPL suffix will not be broadcasted. All the streams will have the _REPL suffix.

These changes do not affect the Plaza II service with 10ms batching.

Contacts for media
+7 (495) 363-3232
Public Relations Department
Contacts for clients
+7 (495) 232-3363
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