12.12.2019 14:30

MOEX expands derivates products range with new contracts

Moscow Exchange will expand its derivatives offering in 2020 to provide extra trading benefits for market participants and their clients.

In January 2020, a cash-settled gas futures contract will start trading in the commodities section of MOEX’s Derivatives Market. The contract will be settled at the price of the Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures contract on CME – a widely used international benchmark for natural gas and the third most popular commodities contract worldwide. Moscow Exchange and CME signed an agreement on this in November 2019.

MOEX’s interest rate derivatives range will be extended to include USD-denominated RUSFAR futures. RUSFAR tracks US Dollar FX rates on MOEX’s Money Market, and is calculated based on GCC repo transactions, i.e., the most liquid market segment. Currently, RUB-denominated RUSFAR futures and RUONIA futures are traded on the market. The Exchange plans to launch the contract in February 2020.

Three new futures – on shares of Yandex and DRs of Tinkoff Bank and X5 Retail Group – will complement MOEX’s existing equity derivatives offering in early 2020.

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