31.12.2019 11:25

New services in MOEX Colocation: Time synchronization over PTP, Client connection mirroring

Starting from 1 January 2020 the new services will be available for MOEX Colocation clients:

Time synchronization over PTP allows Client to synchronize own equipment with MOEX Trading Systems Grandmaster clocks.

Regular synchronization preciseness is less than 1µs: 100 times better than MIFID II requirements (100 µs.). Nanosecond timestamping allows precise analysis of trading situations by comparing timestamps on the client side with ones assigned by MOEX trading systems.

Connection redundancy is ensured by two network circuits handling precision time signals from two separate PTP domains each with its’ own GPS antenna.

MOEX systems are synchronized via PTP since late 2017 and shown excellent result on 2019 public stress testing: time deviation is no more than 500 nanoseconds on high network loads: https://fs.moex.com/f/11254/load-test-report-30-03-2019.pdf .
Client connection mirroring provides an ability to receive the mirror copy of Client’s traffic with no additional latency applied to the main production connection.

Typical service use cases are: monitoring of connections to MOEX infrastructure, own and clients’ connections troubleshooting, FPGA operation analysis and debugging.

For further information and ordering the services please contact:

Т +7 (495) 363-3232 ext. 5656
E ITsales@moex.com

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