17.03.2020 17:50

Calculation Methodology for the MOEX 15 Index to take effect on 24 March

On 24 March 2020 the Calculation Methodology for the MOEX 15 Index approved by Executive Board on 15 March 2019 will come into force.
The Methodology stipulates start of calculation of the composite price-weighted index MOEX 15 Index as well as the composite total return index MOEX 15 Total Return Index. The constituent list of both indices comprises 15 stocks of the Russian market.
MOEX 15 Indices differ from MOEX Blue Chip Indices (MOEXBC and MEBCTR) in maximum weight limitation. From 20.03.2020 weight limitation for MOEX 15 Indices will be 13%, gradually declining to 10% from 17.12.2021.

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