17.08.2020 18:00

FIX protocol on standardized OTC derivatives market

Dear colleagues,

The standardized OTC derivatives market (long forwards, FX SWAP, IRS, XCCY) is working on implementing the FIX API.

Connection via FIX API allows dealers to use their own trading systems to place orders.

Protocol specification available at MOEX FTP: https://ftp.moex.com/pub/ClientsAPI/SPFI/FIX_API/

Feel free to ask any questions to the service developers in telegram group https://t.me/joinchat/HawWHEtkHDThY-oAXJBBbg

Test servers for users of the FIX API will be available in Autumn 2020.
New service will not affect any other MOEX FIX\FAST services.


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