03.12.2020 16:50

More than 8 mln retail investors held brokerage accounts on MOEX as of the end of November

At the end of November, the number of individuals with a brokerage account on Moscow Exchange exceeded 8 mln. More than 560,000 people opened brokerage accounts during the month, and 4.2 mln people have opened brokerage accounts year-to-date, more than all previous years put together.

In November, the highest ever number of retail investors – more than 1.3 mln – traded on MOEX.

Average daily trading volume in equities was RUB 125 bln (USD 1.6 bln).

Retail investors accounted for 41% (34% in 2019) of equity trading, 17% (10% on average in 2019) of the central order book for bonds, 12.3% of FX spot trading and 42.1% of derivatives trading.

The net asset value (NAV) of ETFs exceeded RUB 116 bln (USD 1.5 bln). 50 ETFs are avaialble for trading: 16 ETFs and 34 Russian-law ETFs, of which three ETFs and 15 Russian-law ETFs have been added this year.

Individuals have invested RUB 62 bln (USD 850 mln) in ETFs year-to-date, a threefold increase on the whole of 2019, when ETF investments were RUB 17 bln.

The number of Individual Investment Accounts (IIA) opened with Moscow Exchange as of the end of November exceeded 3.2 million. 1.6 mln accounts have been opened year-to-date.

In January-November 2020, the trading volume of IIAs exceeded RUB 1.2 trln. Equities accounted for 85% of total trading volume, bonds accounted for 9% and ETFs accounted for 5%.

Of IIAs, brokerage accounts represent 97.8% of the total, and trust management accounts represent the remaining 2.2%.

Among banks, Sberbank has opened the most IIAs for its customers (1.6 mln IIAs), followed by Tinkoff Bank (563,600) and VTB Bank (495,000). The leading brokerage firms in terms of IIAs opened are BCS (159,000), Otkritie Broker (more than 102,600) and Finam (71,000), and the leading asset managers are Sberbank Asset Management (201,000 IIAs), Alfa Capital (43,000) and Region Group (34,000).

The top regions by number of IIAs are Moscow (353,700 IIAs), the Moscow region (195,500) and St. Petersburg (147,300). Leaders elsewhere in Russia are Sverdlovsk region (108,100), Bashkortostan (104,500) and Krasnodar region (91,000).

The November report showed that portfolios of private investors[1] included Gazprom (24.3%), Lukoil (11.8%), Norilsk Nickel (11.7%), Sberbank ords (10.8%) and prefs (8.1%), Aeroflot (7.5%), VTB Bank (6.6%), MTS (6.5%), Mail.ru Group (6.4%) and Surgutneftegas prefs (6.2%).

Foreign shares in those portfolios were Alibaba Group Holding LTD (17.6%), Tesla, Inc. (13.5%), Apple (13.4%), Intel (10.2%), Pfizer Inc. (10.2%), Amazon (10.1%), Boing (8.3%), Netflix (6.3%), NVIDIA (5.6%) and Microsoft (4.8%).

At the end of November, the top ten ETFs were iFXIT ETF on US IT shares (20.5%), Fin EX Gold ETF (FXGD) (15.4%), FXUS ETF on US shares (14.6%), FXCN ETF on Chinese stocks (11,6%), TRUR ETF on Russian equities, bonds, money and gold (9,4%), FXRU ETF on Russian corporate USD-denominated Eurobonds (6.5%), TUSD ETF on US shares, bonds, money and gold (6.3%), FXRL ETF on the RTS Index (5,8%), FXMM ETF on the money market (5.4%), and SBMX ETF on the MOEX Russia Index (4,7%).

[1] To compile the report, the Exchange uses anonymized aggregated data on retail investors’ open interest in the most liquid stocks traded on MOEX as of the specified date.
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