Moscow Exchange trading schedule over May holidays
Moscow Exchange announces the trading schedule for its markets for May 2021.
1-3 and 8-9 May 2021 are public holidays with all markets closed.
On non-business days 4-7 May 2021, Moscow Exchange will operate in the same way as it does during the long nationwide holidays, with the following rules:
- the FX, Precious Metals, Equity & Bonds, Money, Commodities, Derivatives, Standardized OTC Derivatives and Deposit Markets will operate as usual;
- trades will be settled on a daily basis as normal;
- securities previously registered and listed by the Exchange will be made available for placement.
On 10 May 2021, FX, Precious Metals, Equity & Bond, Money, Derivatives, Standartised OTC Derivatives, Deposit and Credit Markets will be open.
On this day, all instruments will trade on the FX and Precious Metals Markets, except trades with "today" settlement and swap transactions with their first parts settled on the same day. Settlement in USD will not be available for T+ and repo transactions with the CCP on the Equity Market and on the Deposit Market. Settlement of trades in foreign currency will be held as usual on the Equity Markets (non-CCP trades) and the Credit Market.
Please note that during the holiday week, MOEX will operate only to ensure continuity of trading, clearing and settlement processes. All other services of the Exchange will not be available. In particular, the Exchange will not accept/send correspondence, register/admit to trading new securities, enroll new trading and clearing members, execute new agreements (including as part of the market making schemes) and publish marketing data.
Equity & Bond Market Trading Calendar
FX Market Trading Calendar
Risk Parameters on Moscow Exchange during May Holidays