MOEX adds sector index futures for trading
On 8 February 2022, the Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market will start trading in sector index futures.
New futures contracts will broaden the range of trading strategies available to private and institutional investors, including opportunities to gain exposure to select sectors of the Russian economy and the addition of new hedging opportunities.
Futures contracts on the following sector indices will be available to trading members and their clients:
- MOEX Oil & Gas Sector Index (MOEXOG), short code OGI;
- MOEX Metals & Mining Index (MOEXMM), short code MMI;
- MOEX Financials Index (MOEXFN), short code FNI;
- MOEX Consumer Index (MOEXCN), short code CNI.
The tick is 1 point; the tick value is RUB 1. Futures series with settlement in June and September 2022 will be offered.
More details on new contracts are available on the Moscow Exchange website.
Moscow Exchange (MOEX) operates Russia’s main trading platform for equities, bonds, derivatives, currencies, money market instruments and commodities, and also provides a range of market data and index services. MOEX also provides a full range of post-trade services through its ownership of Russia’s central securities depository (National Settlement Depository) and the country’s largest clearing center (National Clearing Centre), which serves as the central counterparty for MOEX markets. Additionally, MOEX operates the Russian personal finance marketplace
MOEX hosts trading in more than 6,000 financial products. As of year-end 2021, approximately 17 million Russian citizens held brokerage accounts on MOEX, which join thousands of institutions from around the world as MOEX clients.
MOEX shares have traded since February 2013 on the Group’s own platform under the ticker "MOEX". MOEX has one of the highest free floats of any Russian publicly traded company at approximately 63%. Nearly 60% of the free float is owned by US institutions. Other major shareholders are the Central Bank of Russia (11.8%) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (6.1%), as well as nearly 360,000 Russian individual investors.