Systems update on 28 of May 2022
Dear clients,
We remind you that the next release of trading and clearing systems of FX and Derivatives markets is scheduled for 30th of May 2022. Click the following links for more details:
- New restriction parameters for trading with non-market price in the FX market system
- Changes to Derivatives market system
- Additional changes to Derivatives market system
On Saturday, 28th of May 2022, the final testing will be held on the production environments of all markets.
Testing plan:
FX market
12:00 - trading system availability for connection
12:50 - morning session (corresponds to 7:00 in real trading)
13:50 - main session trading start
14:10 - first settlement session for HKD
14:50 - end of order entry at fixing price (corresponds to 12:15)
15:00 - fixing price calculation (corresponds to 12:30)
15:40 - WA price calculation for USD, EUR, CNY for 10:00 to 16:30 time period (corresponds to 16:30)
16:00 - end of TOD trading for USD, silver and gold (corresponds to 18:00)
17:30 - additional session (corresponds to 20:00)
18:00 - end of testing
Derivatives market
13:00 - trading system availability for connection
13:30 - first day main trading session start
14:30 - intraday clearing session
15:45 - evening clearing session
16:00 - 16:05 evening trading session
16:21 - start of morning trading session
16:30 - second day main trading session start
17:00 - 17:05 - intraday clearing session
18:00 - evening clearing session, end of testing
To participate in the final testing, please send a request to till 26th of May 2022, 17:00 MSK in which please specify:
- Contact person, responsible for testing
- For Derivatives market:
- Broker
- Login and clearing register used for testing
- IP address used for testing
For all Plaza2 gates and trading terminal logins participating in testing the passwords will be reset to 12345. Please set this password in the client_router.ini file for testing period.
- For FX market:
- Firm or user IDs
- IP addresses used for testing (if it is different from current production settings)
If you do not want to participate in testing we recommend you to disconnect your systems from production environments of all markets for that weekend (28-29 of May) in order to avoid receiving test market data.