20.01.2015 17:10

Lot size reduced for Credit Bank of Moscow Eurobonds

On 20 January 2015 Moscow Exchange reduced the lot size for Eurobonds of Credit Bank of Moscow (CBOM Finance P.L.C. with maturity in November of 2018). The standard lot size for these Eurobonds now equals one unit with par value of USD 1,000. Previously, the lot size for the securities was 200 units, equivalent to USD 200,000). Splitting the Eurobond's lot will make them more accessible to retail investors.

The first corporate Eurobonds were admitted to trading on Moscow Exchange on 14 October 2014. At present 23 issues of corporate Eurobonds trade on Moscow Exchange. Trades are settled in USD. To date, lot sizes were reduced for Eurobonds of Promzvyazbank (PSB Finance S.A. with maturity in November 2019) and another Eurobond of Credit Bank of Moscow (CBOM Finance P.L.C. with maturity in February of 2018).

Eleven issues of the Russian Ministry of Finance's Eurobonds with a standard lot of USD 1,000 also trade on Moscow Exchange.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.