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    Analyst Coverage

    Company Analyst Phone E-mail
    Alfa Bank Evgeniy Kipnis +7 (495) 795 3713 ekipnis@alfabank.ru
    Aton Mikhail Ganelin +7 (495) 213 0338 mikhail.ganelin@aton.ru
    BCS Andrey Sharov +7 (495) 785 5336 SharovAA@bcs.ru
    Enhanced Investments Kirill Kuznetsov
    Vladislav Azarov
    - kkuznetsov@eninvs.com
    Invest Heroes Alexander Sayganov +7 (916) 358 1843 a.sayganov@invest-heroes.ru
    ITinvest Stanislav Yudin +7 (495) 933 3232 stanislav.yudin@itinvest.ru
    Renaissance Capital Andrei Melaschenko +7 (499) 956 4508 AMelaschenko@rencap.ru
    Sberbank CIB Andrey Akhatov +7 (495) 933 9838 ARAkhatov@sberbank.ru
    Sinara Financial Corporation Olga Naidenova +7 (495) 771 7095 NaidenovaOA@sinara-finance.ru
    Tinkoff Investments Egor Dakhtler +7 (800) 770 1770 e.dakhtler@tbank.ru
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