OTC trade reporting
Trade date 

Security code
Data format
Data format description
№ | Field_Name | Type | Size | Dec | Note |
1 | tradedate | date | Trade date | ||
2 | buysell | char | 1 | Trade direction (Buy (B) / Sell (S)) | |
3 | name | varchar | 255 | Name of the issuer/type of the security | |
4 | regnumber | char | 32 | State registration number | |
5 | isin | char | 32 | ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) | |
6 | cfi | char | 6 | CFI (Classification of Financial Instruments) code | |
7 | secid | char | 18 | Security Code Number | |
8 | price | decimal | 26 | 5 | Price of one security |
9 | currencyid | char | 3 | Price currency | |
10 | quantity | decimal | 26 | 10 | Number of securities |
11 | value | decimal | 26 | 2 | Trade volume |
12 | settle_currencyid | char | 3 | Settle Currency |
Additional information
Brokers, dealers and other market professionals have a responsibility to comply with regulatory requirements which relate to the "Regulation of the provision of information on OTC trades". This stipulates that if an organisation has a responsibility to report an OTC trade then it needs to report this to an 'organiser of trading activity' of which Moscow Exchange is one. The Moscow Exchange then has an obligation to publish this information to the market in accordance with regulatory requirements.