Closing auction usage for Admitted quotes
Admitted Quotes of any security traded on MOEX have been made equivalent to Legal Close Prices of such security as of 01 January 2016.
This is due to the Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3758-U dated 25 August 2015 "On determining NAV of investment funds and also on the method to calculate the average annual NAV of mutual funds and NAV of joint stock investment funds, value of mutual funds shares, value of assets transferred as payment for fund shares" that came into force on 1 January 2016 to supersede the Russia"s FFMS Order No. 05-21/pz-n dated 15 June 2005 "On approving the regulation on the procedure and terms of determining NAV of joint stock investment funds and mutual funds, value of mutual funds shares as well as NAV per share of joint-stock investment funds".
For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.