Moscow Exchange Indices (MOEX Russia Index and RTS Index)

The Moscow Exchange Russia Index and RTS Index are capitalization-weighted composite indices calculated based on prices of the most liquid Russian stocks of the largest and dynamically developing Russian issuers with economic activities related to the main sectors of the Russian economy presented on the Exchange.


Index code RTSI
Bloomberg code RTSI$
Reuters code .IRTS
ISIN code RU000A0JPEB3
Index type Capitalization-weighted, with free-float coefficients
Number of stocks-constituents Varies
Time of calculation (Moscow time) From 10:00 to 18:50
Publication intervals One time per second
First calculated on September 1st, 1995
Initial value 100
Weight restriction in the Index for an individual stock 15%
Weight restriction in the Index for 5 stocks 55%
Period when the list of stocks-index constituents changes Changes in the list of index constituents take effect on the 3rd Friday of March, June, September, December

TERMS OF USE: Names of the indices "the MICEX Index", "the MOEX Russia Index" and "the RTS Index" are registered trademarks of Moscow Exchange.

Any usage of the trademarks without the written consent of the Exchange is prohibited. Any usage of the trademarks is subject to the license agreement with Moscow Exchange. For more details, please visit the page Trademarks*.

Moscow Exchange maintains the development and calculation the indices for the Russian equity market. The index calculation based on a free-float capitalization weighting approach. MOEX equity indices are well-known and widely used by global investment community as well as by financial products sponsors.

The indices include the benchmark MOEX Russia Index (before December, 2017 – MICEX Index) and RTS Index, which comprise the most liquid stocks from Russia's largest issuers; the Blue Chip Index, comprising the 15 most capitalized Russian companies; the Moscow Exchange SMID Indices, comprising the small and medium capitalization liquid stocks listed in Russia; and the Broad Market Index, which include the top 100 shares selected by the criteria of liquidity, capitalization and shares that are in free-float. The constituents of the Broad Market Index are also divided into sectoral indices.

Moscow Exchange's indices are calculated in RUB and USD. Moscow Exchange also calculates total return indices and several thematic indices that are not included in the main index family; these are the MOEX 10 Index, and the MOEX Innovation Index.