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                MOEX Blue Chip Total Return Indices

                Created with Highstock 6.1.2Highcharts.com


                Code Name Last Value Date
                Change of Last Close, % Change of Last Year, %


                Index type Total Return Index
                Time of calculation (Moscow time) 18:50
                Publication intervals One time per day
                Period when the list of stocks-index constituents changes Changes in the list of index constituents take effect on the 3rd Friday of March, June, September, December
                First calculated on 23.04.2009
                Initial value 6 285,76
                Currency RUB
                Index name Code Bloomberg ID Reuters ID ISIN
                MOEX Blue Chip Total Return Index MEBCTR MEBCTR .RTSTR RU000A0JWXU9
                MOEX Blue Chip Net Total Return (Non-Resident) Index MEBCTRN MEBCTRN .RTSTRN RU000A0JWYR3
                MOEX Blue Chip Net Total Return (Resident) Index MEBCTRR MEBCTRR .RTSTRR RU000A0JWY94
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