The list of securities in respect of which may be declared Indicative quotes MOEX Board
Securities | Issuers | |||
Shares | ordinary | preferred | Total | 882 |
855 | 264 | 1119 |
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(Name, INN, Reg. number, ISIN, Ident. code)
(Name, INN, Reg. number, ISIN, Ident. code)
Number | Full name of the issuer | INN | Type of security | Identification code | International code (number) of securities identification (ISIN) | State registration number | Date of the state registration number | Nominal value | Unit of measurement nominal value | Total number of securities in issue |
1 | SOLLERS Public Joint Stock Company | 3528079131 | Ordinary share | SVAV | RU0006914488 | 1-01-02461-D | 19.04.2002 | 12.5 | Ruble | 31,486,001 |
2 | Joint Stock Company "Quadra - Power Generation" | 6829012680 | Preferred share | TGKDP | RU000A0JNNB9 | 2-01-43069-A | 31.08.2006 | 0.01 | Ruble | 75,272,938,838 |
3 | Public Joint Stock Company Forward Energy | 7203162698 | Ordinary share | TGKJ | RU000A0F61T7 | 1-01-55090-E | 20.09.2005 | 1.66 | Ruble | 880,387,078 |
4 | Public Joint Stock Company Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteorgsintez | 7601001107 | Preferred share | JNOSP | RU0009101927 | 2-01-00199-A | 27.06.2003 | 1 | Ruble | 310,884,574 |
5 | Public Joint Stock Company "Yakutsk Fuel and Energy Company" | 1435032049 | Ordinary share | YAKG | RU0007796819 | 1-01-20510-F | 23.07.2003 | 1 | Ruble | 826,919,375 |
6 | Public Join Stock Company "Nauka-Telecom" | 7714716995 | Ordinary share | NSVZ | RU000A0JQLB6 | 1-01-12689-A | 19.12.2007 | 1 | Ruble | 15,701,562 |
7 | Joint Stock Company "Northern Shipping Company" | 2901008432 | Ordinary share | SEMP | RU0007665014 | 1-01-00140-A | 25.12.2015 | 1 | Ruble | 718,390 |
8 | Joint-Stock Company "Ulan-Udenskoe priborostroitelnoe proizvodstvennoe obedinenie" | 0323053578 | Ordinary share | uppo | RU000A0JRC48 | 1-02-20831-F | 27.03.2009 | 10 | Ruble | 66,641 |
9 | Joint Stock Company "ABS ZEiM Automation" | 2128006240 | Preferred share | zemcp | RU0007228698 | 2-05-55323-D | 05.01.2001 | 70 | Ruble | 231,250 |
10 | Almaz Shipbuilding Company | 7813046950 | Preferred share | almzp | RU000A0B63Q8 | 2-01-01129-D | 12.05.2009 | 0.05 | Ruble | 809,600 |
11 | Stock Holding Company "Glavmosstroy" | 7710013494 | Ordinary share | gmst | RU000A0HNHD1 | 1-01-02781-A | 29.11.2007 | 0.05 | Ruble | 1,931,060 |
12 | "Ingosstrakh Insurance Company" | 7705042179 | Ordinary share | ings | RU0006752953 | 1-03-00001-Z | 06.09.2019 | 11 | Ruble | 2,500,000,000 |
13 | Public Joint-Stock Company "Gostinichnyj kompleks "Kosmos" | 7717016198 | Ordinary share | kosm | RU0008913744 | 1-02-03152-A | 14.11.2003 | 1 | Ruble | 206,695,873 |
14 | Joint-Stock Company "Kirovoblgaz" | 4346006589 | Ordinary share | krog | RU000A0B9SG7 | 1-01-11169-E | 07.04.2008 | 1 | Ruble | 99,591 |
15 | Joint Stock Company "Lengazspetsstroy" | 7806027191 | Ordinary share | LEGS | RU000A0JNN56 | 1-01-02613-D | 02.04.2008 | 1 | Ruble | 50,448 |
16 | Public Joint-Stock Company "Orenburgskaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya" | 5610043205 | Ordinary share | ogex | RU000A0JQVR1 | 1-01-00683-E | 29.10.2003 | 1 | Ruble | 16,049 |
17 | Public Joint-Stock Company "KHoldingovaya kompaniya "Petrokhleb" | 7803028278 | Ordinary share | pehl | 1-02-00177-D | 20.03.2000 | 20 | Ruble | 159,595 | |
18 | Joint-Stock Company "Transturservis" | 7724101800 | Ordinary share | toor | RU000A0JWBQ3 | 1-03-03154-A | 30.01.2002 | 14 | Ruble | 7,220 |
19 | Public Joint-Stock Company "Tul'skaya konditerskaya fabrika "YAsnaya Polyana" | 7104002125 | Ordinary share | yasn | RU000A0JPEA5 | 1-01-03180-A | 1 | Ruble | 5,038,036 | |
20 | Public Joint-Stock Company "YAroslavskij zavod dizel'noj apparatury" | 7601000833 | Ordinary share | yzda | RU0009848360 | 1-02-00916-A | 03.12.2003 | 70 | Ruble | 12,289,780 |