24.05.2016 14:17

SPECTRA UAT maintenance

Dear clients of MOEX Derivatives market,

Please be informed that UAT environment serving MOEX Derivatives market will be unavailable from 24 May 2016 (after evening clearing session) to 26 May 2016 due to maintenance. The following changes will be available for testing:

In system upgrade to v. 5.0 the following changes will be implemented in report subsystem:

1.     Field "kod" will be expanded to 12 symbols in reports MON/DAYMON.

2.     Field "RK" will be expanded to 12 symbols in report ClientsXX.

Starting from v. 5.0 Plaza2 library versions 198 or below will not be supported. This change do not has backward compatibility, clients software that uses Plaza2 libraries 196 or below won"t be able to connect to trading system. Please, ensure that your software uses latest versions of Plaza2 libraries.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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