04.09.2012 16:01

New lists of constituents for the Moscow Exchange index family released

New constituent lists for the MICEX Index, RTS Index, RTS Standard Index, RTS-2 Index, RTS Siberia Index, MICEX Innovation Index, sectoral indices and pension indices have been approved and will be in effect from 18th September through 17th December 2012.

Ordinary shares of Sistema Joint-Stock Finance Corporation OJSC will be transferred to the MICEX Index from the waiting list. They will replace ordinary shares of JSC Gazprom Neft which will be excluded from the Index, due to decreasing the free-float"s value to less than 5%.

Preferred shares of JSC "Mechel", OJSC "Rostelecom", JSC "TATNEFT" and ordinary shares of OJSC "FosAgro" will leave the waiting list and join the RTS Index"s constituents list. They will replace ordinary shares of JSC "OGK-1", JSC "WGC-3" which will be removed from the RTS index, due to a scheduled merger between these companies and JSC "INTER RAO UES", as well as ordinary shares of JSC Gazprom Neft and OAO "TNK-BP Holding" which will be excluded from the RTS Index, due to decreasing the free-float"s value to less than 5%. 

Ordinary and preferred shares of AVTOVAZ, preferred shares of "Bank "Saint-Petersburg" OJSC, ordinary shares of IDGC of Urals, JSC, Mosenergosbyt, OJSC "RBC", OJSC "Quadra", OAO "OAK" will be removed from the waiting list and included in the new constituent list of the RTS-2 Index. These securities will take the place of shares of energy companies to be merged with JSC "INTER RAO UES", such as JSC "OGK-1", JSC "WGC-3" and OJSC "Bashkirenergo", as well as ordinary shares of OJSC "Kazan'orgsintez", OAO "Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Kompaniya" which will be excluded from the Index, due to a deterioration in their liquidity ratios. In addition, ordinary shares of OAO "MSZ" will also be removed from the RTS-2 Index, due to a planned suspension of trading in these shares.

New list of the RTS Siberia Index will include ordinary shares of Korshynov Mining Plant OАО which will replace ordinary shares of JSC Gazprom Neft, South Kuzbass and JSC "WGC-3".

The lists of the RTS Standard and MICEX Innovation Index will remain unchanged.

The sectoral indices" constituent lists will be made up in accordance with the rules of calculation of the indices based on the relevant waiting lists. Ordinary shares of Synergy and VEROPHARM will be added to the consumer & retail sector index while ordinary shares of Baltika Breweries will be taken off this index.  Ordinary shares of "Motovilicha plants" stock corporation and UAZ will be excluded from the industrial sector index. Ordinary shares of Bashinformsvyaz will be taken off the constituent list of the telecommunication sector index.  Ordinary shares of JSC "OGK-1", JSC "WGC-3" and OJSC "Bashkirenergo" will be removed from the energy sector index.  Ordinary shares of "ROSBANK" (OJSC JSCB) will deleted from the financial sector index.  Ordinary shares of SMZ will leave the chemical sector index.  Ordinary shares of OAO ANK "Bashneft" will be added to the oil & gas sector index and will take the place of ordinary shares of JSC Gazprom Neft and OAO "TNK-BP Holding".

Summary table of changes in number of shares employed in the calculation of the Moscow Exchange Indices
and included in the waiting lists as well as free-float coefficients

Ticker Security Current number
of shares
New number
of shares

AKRN JSC Acron, ordinary share 47,687,600 40,534,000 13%
CHMF JSC "Severstal", ordinary share 1,007,701,355 837,718,660 17%
DGBZ Dorogobuzh OJSC, ordinary share 721,182,860
8% 5%
DIOD OAO "DIOD", ordinary share 91,500,000
45% 25%
EVCO OAO "EVK", ordinary share 1,000,000

KUBE "Kubanenergo" OJSC, ordinary share 97,460,933
5% 3%
KZBE SC KUSBASSENERGO, ordinary share 70,675,984,774
16% 14%
FEES "FGC UES", JSC, ordinary share 1,255,948,128,393 1,260,386,658,740 21%
LSNG JSC "LENENERGO", ordinary share 926,021,679
16% 18%
MRKP  IDGC of Center and Volga Region, JSC, ordinary share 42,217,941,468
27% 21%
MRKV IDGC of Volga, JSC, ordinary share 178,577,801,146
26% 21%
MSSV Moscow Heat Network Company, ordinary share 39,252,406,932
10% 2%
ODVA  O2TV, ordinary share 140,000,000
35% 20%
PLSM OAO "Plazmek", ordinary share 100,000,000
70% 25%
ROSB  "ROSBANK" (OJSC JSCB), ordinary share 1,551,401,853
5% 2%
ROST Rosinter Restaurants Holding, ordinary share 16,305,334
41% 36%
RBCM OJSC "RBC", ordinary share
SIBN Gazprom Neft, ordinary share 4,741,299,639
5% 4%
TGKD JSC "Quadra", ordinary share 1,912,505,577,759
52% 50%
TGKI  TGC-9, ordinary share 7,837,294,563,235
20% 15%
TGKK TGC-11, ordinary share 512,827,729,472
27% 5%
TNBP OAO "TNK-BP Holding", ordinary share 14,996,968,366
5% 3%
UKUZ South Kuzbass, ordinary share 36,109,217
4% 3%
URKA Uralkali, ordinary share 3,094,637,905 2,936,015,891 45%
VRAO JSC "RAO Energy System of East", ordinary share 43,358,822,914
36% 19%
VSMZ VMZ, ordinary share 1,717,433
17% 13%

From September 18, 2012 the waiting lists for securities to be added to and excluded from the Moscow Exchange Indices will comprise the following securities:

Waiting list for the securities to be added to the Moscow Exchange Indices*

No Ticker Security Index
1 AKHA PAVA, ordinary share RTS Siberia
2 ALRS AK "ALROSA" (OAO), ordinary share RTS, RTS-2
3 AVAZ  AVTOVAZ, ordinary share RTS
4 BRZL  OAO "Buryatzoloto", ordinary share RTS Siberia
5 CHMK CHMK, ordinary share RTS -2
6 DVEC DEK, ordinary share RTS -2
7 IRGZ Irkutskenergo, ordinary share RTS
8 IRKT IRKUT Corporation, ordinary share RTS Siberia
9 KZBE SC KUSBASSENERGO, ordinary share RTS Siberia
10 LSNG JSC "LENENERGO", ordinary share RTS -2
11 LSNGP JSC "LENENERGO", preferred share RTS -2
12 MFGSP Slavneft-Megionneftegaz, preferred share RTS -2
13 MMBM Bank of Moscow, ordinary share RTS
14 MRKC IDGC of Centre, JSC, ordinary share RTS
15 MRKS IDGC of Siberia, JSC, ordinary share RTS Siberia
16 MRKV  IDGC of Volga, JSC, ordinary share RTS -2
17 NLMK NLMK, ordinary share RTS  Standard
18 NVTK JSC "NOVATEK", ordinary share RTS  Standard
19 SVAV Sollers, Common RTS
20 TATN TATNEFT, ordinary share RTS  Standard
21 TGKF TGC-6, ordinary share RTS -2
22 TGKN TGC-14, ordinary share RTS Siberia
23 TRMK TMK, ordinary share RTS -2
24 UTAR UTair Aviation, ordinary share RTS -2

* except for the waiting lists of the MICEX Index and sectoral indices which are made up and released within the time frame set forth in the rules for calculation of the relevant index.

Waiting list for the securities to be deleted from the Moscow Exchange Indices

No Ticker Security Index
1 AMEZ Ashinskiy Metallurgical Works, ordinary share RTS -2
2 APTK  ОАО "Pharmacy Chain 36.6", ordinary share RTS -2
3 CHEP ChTPZ, ordinary share RTS -2
4 OPIN JSC "OPIN", ordinary share RTS -2
5 KBTK OAO "Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Kompaniya", ordinary share RTS Siberia

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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