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                27.01.2017 16:02

                Changes in Internet connection settings for MICEX Trade/Analytic terminals

                To the users of MOEX terminals for Equity (MICEX Trade SE, MICEX SE Analytic), FX (MICEX Trade Currency, MICEX Currency Analytic) and Money (MICEX Trade TI) markets who connect to the Exchange trading systems over the Internet.
                Moscow Exchange has finished the setup of the infrastructure to allow Internet terminals to connect to the Exchange using the DNS server names. Now instead of the list of IP addresses it is possible to use a single trade.moex.com name with the appropriate port number.
                Besides the simplification of the software configuration this approach will facilitate the scaling and upgrade of the MOEX Internet infrastructure as those changes will not affect customer settings.
                In order to migrate to the new settings replace the value of the Host List field of the Connection tab in the application Options dialog with one of the following:
                FX market: trade.moex.com:15000
                FX market (for non-residents): trade.moex.com:15095
                Equity market: trade.moex.com:15004
                Money market (loans and deposits): trade.moex.com:15002
                These new settings are only valid for customers who connect directly to the MOEX Internet gateways. Settings for connection to the regional technical centers remain unchanged.
                We recommend all the users of the Internet terminals to make this reconfiguration because the IP addresses of the Internet gateways will change later this year.
                System administrators should note that user PCs should be able to contact the DNS servers in order for this configuration to be functional.

                For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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