21.11.2012 14:01

Results of auction held on the Moscow Exchange Government Securities Market

On November 21, 2012 the auction for placement of the Russian Federation government bonds, issue No 26208RMFS took place in the Moscow Exchange Government Securities Market with the following results:

Parameters of issue № 26208RMFS:
Maturity date: February 27, 2019;
Aggregate demand at par: RUB190806.452 million;
Placed value at par: RUB32543.659 million;
Minimal accepted price: 102.7500%;
Yield at minimal accepted price: 7.0700% per annum;
Weighted average price: 102.7745%;
Yield at weighted average price: 7.0700% per annum.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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