27.11.2012 18:50

New version of the Rules of Securities Trading in the CJSC MICEX Stock Exchange to come into force

On November 26, 2012 the Directorate of the CJSC "MICEX Stock Exchange" (Minutes № 155) confirmed the new version of the Exchange's Rules of Securities Trading are to become effective on December 04, 2012. The new version of the Rules was approved by the Board of Directors of the CJSC "MICEX Stock Exchange" on October 26, 2012. The new Rules, with regard to Clause 1.3.2 herein, ought to be applicable while trading within the Additional Trading Session which will be held on December 03, 2012.  

The Rules of Securities Trading in the CJSC "MICEX Stock Exchange" as of August 22, 2012 (Minutes № 4) will cease to be valid starting from the effective date of the new version of the Rules.

The Rules provide with delivery on FORTS Derivatives market futures contracts and options on RF government bonds (OFZ) basket by executing trades within the new trading mode "Settlement of derivatives contracts".

The Rules also determine new trading modes for executing transactions with partial collateral, such as "Repo with the CCP: off order book orders" and "Repo with the CCP: order book orders". Trading in these modes is expected to be launched until the end of the current year.

Besides, the Rules set forth the procedure for conducting trades with partial collateral in the new trading modes "Main trading mode T+" and "Negotiated trades with the CCP", which are equivalent to the Main trading Mode and Negotiated Trades trading mode respectively. The new trading modes are used for executing transactions with partial collateral and Т+2 settlement. Trading in these modes will become available to the trading participants in 2013.

The new period, "Closing Auction", is added to the Main trading mode. The period will replace the currently used "Post trading auction" in Q1 of 2013.


For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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