20.09.2018 20:00

The updated coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices to come into force

The following coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices come into force from September 21, 2018:

Index code Currency Index Name Divisor
1 IMOEX RUB MOEX Russia Index 4,262,826,227.9027
2 RTSI USD RTS Index 135,318,465.9275
3 RTSSTD RUB MICEX Blue Chip Index 524,878,587.7438
4 MCXSM RUB MICEX SMID Index 315 233 843,2991
5 RTSSM USD RTS SMID Index 6 709 700,0839
6 MICEXBMI RUB MICEX Broad Market Index 6,984,991,227.5933
7 RUBMI USD RTS Broad Market Index 217,587,404.9399
8 MICEXO&G RUB MICEX Oil and Gas Index 231,975,467.9482
9 RTSog USD RTS Oil & Gas Index 119,485,620.2875
10 MICEXPWR RUB MICEX Power Index 128,853,716.9154
11 RTSeu USD RTS Electric Utilities Index 50,826,616.1670
12 MICEXTLC RUB MICEX Telecommunication Index 181,055,038.7893
13 RTStl USD RTS Telecom Index 59,053,114.7255
14 MICEXM&M RUB MICEX Metals and Mining Index 161,823,137.9826
15 RTSmm USD RTS Metals & Mining Index 76,981,620.3238
16 MICEXFNL RUB MICEX Financials Index 41,120,553.7433
17 RTSfn USD RTS Finances Index 23,650,948.1047
18 MICEXCGS RUB MICEX Consumer Goods and Services Index 33,103,042.4180
19 RTScr USD RTS Consumer & Retail Index 14,615,266.2925
20 MICEXCHM RUB MICEX Chemicals Index 7,330,134.6415
21 RTSch USD RTS Chemicals Index 7,029,146.2905
22 MICEXTRN RUB MICEX Transport Index 55,369,153.9604
23 RTStn USD RTS Transport Index 22,660,161.8893
24 MICEXINNOV RUB MICEX Innovation Index 3,750,364.4471
25 EPSI RUB Equity Subindex 4,231,495,005.8738



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