14.11.2018 23:13

Additions to FX market clearing reports

With implementation of the new board for OTC trading with liquidity providers on the FX market that is scheduled to go live on 3 December 2018, the following information will be added to clearing XML reports:

1. Report on clearing user IDs (CCX19): new permission type for OTC.
2. Clearing report (CCX03, CCX3A), Report on trades with rescheduled settlement date (CCX14), Extract from the register of trades accepted for clearing (CCX43):
    a. New possible value of the TradeGroup attribute - N - OTC trade with foreign currency.
    b. New attribute in the RECORDS node - OrderNo - offer number.
3. New report CCX122 - Extract from the NCC register of offers.
4. New report CCX123 - Extract from the register of OTC trades in foreign currency.
Updated specs are available here.
New XSD schemas and XSLT styles

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