21.03.2019 22:37

The updated coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices to come into force

The following coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices come into force from March 22, 2019:

Index code Currency Index Name Divisor
1 IMOEX RUB MOEX Russia Index 3 949 018 641,2732
2 RTSI USD RTS Index 125 357 008,6808
3 MOEXBC RUB MOEX Blue Chip Index 478 425 543,9177
4 MCXSM RUB MOEX SMID Index 221 086 720,7379
5 RTSSM USD RTS SMID Index 4 705 794,1913
6 MOEXBMI RUB MOEX Broad Market Index 6 594 599 000,8019
7 RUBMI USD RTS Broad Market Index 205 426 411,6375
8 MOEXOG RUB MOEX Oil and Gas Index 237 869 810,4873
9 RTSog USD RTS Oil & Gas Index 122 521 670,5246
10 MOEXEU RUB MOEX Electric Utilities 136 245 235,6940
11 RTSeu USD RTS Electric Utilities Index 53 742 216,0957
12 MOEXTL RUB MOEX Telecommunication Index 172 469 499,1262
13 RTStl USD RTS Telecom Index 56 252 845,4698
14 MOEXMM RUB MOEX Metals and Mining Index 172 755 994,0117
15 RTSmm USD RTS Metals & Mining Index 82 182 538,9463
16 MOEXFN RUB MOEX Financials Index 43 132 227,9027
17 RTSfn USD RTS Finances Index 24 807 985,0805
18 MOEXCN RUB MOEX Consumer Index 35 306 456,8602
19 RTScr USD RTS Consumer & Retail Index 15 588 091,9446
20 MOEXCH RUB MOEX Chemicals Index 7 330 134,6415
21 RTSch USD RTS Chemicals Index 7 029 146,2905
22 MOEXTN RUB MOEX Transportation Index 45 502 741,7033
23 RTStn USD RTS Transport Index 18 622 272,8659
24 MOEXINN RUB MOEX Innovation Index 3 616 979,2340
25 EPSI RUB Equity Subindex 4 045 462 638,7413
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