19.09.2019 13:47

Revised maximum quantity of Securities Eligible as Collateral on Derivatives Market

CCP NCC changes maximum quantity of securities eligible as collateral on Derivatives Market starting from 7:00 p.m. on September 26, 2019:

Ticker Maximum allowed number of securities per ClearingMember, units
Previous value New value Change
ALRS 300 000 390 000 90 000
CHMF 21 000 21 000 0
FEES 35 000 000 35 000 000 0
GAZP 870 000 1 200 000 330 000
GMKN 4 500 4 500 0
HYDR 14 000 000 14 000 000 0
LKOH 23 000 27 000 4 000
MTSS 56 000 67 000 11 000
ROSN 110 000 110 000 0
SBER 1 900 000 1 500 000 -400 000
SBERP 140 000 140 000 0
SNGS 450 000 870 000 420 000
TATN 38 000 51 000 13 000
TRNFP 39 39 0
VTBR 530 000 000 630 000 000 100 000 000


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