09.12.2020 19:17

Risk Parameters on the Moscow Exchange during New Year/Christmas Holidays

If the market volatility does not significantly increase, CCP NCC will set the following risk parameters (listed in the tables below):

  • on the FX and precious metals market from December 29, 2020 through January 8, 2021;
  • on the Derivatives market and Standardized OTC Derivatives market from 7:00 pm December 28, 2020 till 7:00 pm January 8, 2021;
  • on the Securities market:
  • assets, excluding foreign shares, from December 29, 2020 through January 8, 2021;
  • foreign shares from December 24, 2020 through January 8, 2021.

The FX and Precious Metals, Equity & Bond and Deposit, Derivatives, Standardized OTC Derivatives Markets will operate as usual on January 4-6 and 8, 2021. NCC will carry out clearing mark-to-market sessions and issue margin calls which are to be fulfilled within the time frames specified in the Clearing Rules.
FX and precious metals market

No Currency Market risk rates
from December 29, 2020 through January 8, 2021
Market risk rates
from January 11, 2021
S_1_min S_2_min S_3_min S_1_min S_2_min S_3_min
1 USD 7.50% 9.50% 11.50% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00%
2 EUR 7.50% 9.50% 11.50% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00%
3 CNY 7.50% 9.50% 11.50% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00%
4 HKD 7.50% 9.50% 11.50% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00%
5 GBP 9.00% 11.00% 13.00% 7.00% 9.00% 11.00%
6 CHF 9.00% 11.00% 13.00% 7.00% 9.00% 11.00%
7 JPY 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 8.00% 10.00% 12.00%
8 GLD 10.00% 16.00% 23.00% 8.00% 14.00% 21.00%
9 SLV 18.00% 24.00% 31.00% 16.00% 22.00% 29.00%
10 EURF 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00%
11 USDF 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00%
12 USDW 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00%

Cross-currency pairs:

No Asset Effective market risk rates SVal1/Val2
from December 29, 2020 through January 8, 2021
Effective market risk rates SVal1/Val2
from January 11, 2021
1 EURUSD 4.5% 3.5%
2 GBPUSD 6% 5%
3 CHFHKD 6% 5%
4 GBPHKD 6% 5%
5 GBPEUR 6% 5%
6 CHFCNY 6% 5%
7 GBPCNY 6% 5%
8 EURCHF 6% 5%
9 GBPCHF 6% 5%
10 EURHKD 5% 4%
11 USDHKD 5% 4%
12 EURCNY 5% 4%
13 HKDCNY 5% 4%
14 USDCNY 5% 4%
15 USDCHF 5% 4%
16 USDJPY 6% 5%
17 EURJPY 6% 5%
18 GBPJPY 6% 5%
19 CHFJPY 6% 5%
20 CNYJPY 6% 5%
21 HKDJPY 6% 5%

Securities market

Shares, DRs, ETFs:

No Asset Market risk rates
from December 29, 2020 through January 8, 2021
Market risk rates
from January 11, 2021
S_1_min S_2_min S_3_min S_1_min S_2_min S_3_min
1 AFLT 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
2 ALRS 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
3 CHMF 20.00% 26.00% 39.00% 17.00% 23.00% 36.00%
4 GAZP 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
5 GMKN 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
6 HYDR 20.00% 26.00% 39.00% 17.00% 23.00% 36.00%
7 LKOH 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
8 MAGN 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
9 MGNT 20.00% 27.00% 41.00% 17.00% 24.00% 38.00%
10 MOEX 20.00% 26.00% 34.00% 17.00% 23.00% 31.00%
11 MTSS 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
12 NLMK 20.00% 27.00% 41.00% 17.00% 24.00% 38.00%
13 NVTK 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
14 ROSN 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
15 SBER 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
16 SBERP 20.00% 23.00% 30.00% 17.00% 20.00% 27.00%
17 SNGS 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
18 SNGSP 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
19 TATN 20.00% 27.00% 40.00% 17.00% 24.00% 37.00%
20 TRNFP 20.00% 26.00% 39.00% 17.00% 23.00% 36.00%
21 VTBR 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
22 YNDX 20.00% 25.00% 35.00% 17.00% 22.00% 32.00%
23 FEES 21.00% 30.00% 47.00% 18.00% 27.00% 44.00%
24 RSTI 21.00% 30.00% 47.00% 18.00% 27.00% 44.00%
25 RTKM 23.00% 33.00% 45.00% 20.00% 30.00% 42.00%
26 POLY 31.00% 41.00% 62.00% 28.00% 38.00% 59.00%
27 IRAO 34.00% 47.00% 72.00% 31.00% 44.00% 69.00%
28 AFKS 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
29 BANE 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
30 BANEP 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
31 BSPB 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
32 ENRU 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
33 MSNG 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
34 OGKB 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
35 PHOR 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
36 PIKK 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
37 PLZL 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
38 RTKMP 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
39 RUAL 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
40 SIBN 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
41 TATNP 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
42 TGKA 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
43 UNAC 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
44 UPRO 38.00% 53.00% 63.00% 35.00% 50.00% 60.00%
45 CBOM 39.00% 54.00% 83.00% 36.00% 51.00% 80.00%
46 AKEU 29.00% 42.00% 100.00% 27.00% 40.00% 100.00%
47 AKNX 30.00% 41.00% 100.00% 28.00% 39.00% 100.00%
48 AKSP 29.00% 41.00% 100.00% 27.00% 39.00% 100.00%
49 FXIT 23.00% 44.00% 72.00% 21.00% 42.00% 70.00%
50 FXUS 23.00% 44.00% 72.00% 21.00% 42.00% 70.00%
51 FXCN 27.00% 52.00% 72.00% 25.00% 50.00% 70.00%
52 FXDE 27.00% 52.00% 72.00% 25.00% 50.00% 70.00%
53 SBSP 23.00% 31.00% 100.00% 21.00% 29.00% 100.00%
54 SBMX 23.50% 35.50% 100.00% 22.00% 34.00% 100.00%
55 FXRL 27.00% 52.00% 72.00% 25.00% 50.00% 70.00%
56 RUSE 27.00% 52.00% 100.00% 25.00% 50.00% 100.00%
57 FXIM 23.00% 44.00% 72.00% 21.00% 42.00% 70.00%
58 VTBA 31.00% 42.00% 100.00% 29.00% 40.00% 100.00%
59 VTBE 30.00% 42.00% 100.00% 28.00% 40.00% 100.00%
60 VTBX 23.50% 35.50% 100.00% 22.00% 34.00% 100.00%
61 FXRW 21.00% 30.00% 100.00% 19.00% 28.00% 100.00%
62 FXWO 20.00% 28.00% 100.00% 18.00% 26.00% 100.00%
63 RUSB 32.00% 52.00% 100.00% 30.00% 50.00% 100.00%
64 FXMM 12.50% 18.50% 71.50% 11.00% 17.00% 70.00%
65 FXRB 13.50% 20.50% 71.50% 12.00% 19.00% 70.00%
66 FXRU 13.50% 20.50% 71.50% 12.00% 19.00% 70.00%
67 FXTB 11.50% 16.50% 100.00% 10.00% 15.00% 100.00%
68 VTBH 27.50% 37.50% 100.00% 26.00% 36.00% 100.00%
69 VTBU 37.50% 47.50% 100.00% 36.00% 46.00% 100.00%
70 SBCB 31.50% 36.50% 100.00% 30.00% 35.00% 100.00%
71 VTBG 31.00% 42.00% 100.00% 27.00% 38.00% 100.00%
72 FXGD 19.00% 29.00% 74.00% 15.00% 25.00% 70.00%
73 MNOD-ME 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
74 LKOD-ME 21.00% 28.00% 43.00% 18.00% 25.00% 40.00%
75 NVTK-ME 23.00% 31.00% 48.00% 20.00% 28.00% 45.00%
76 SBER-ME 23.00% 31.00% 48.00% 20.00% 28.00% 45.00%
77 OGZD 25.00% 34.00% 52.00% 22.00% 31.00% 49.00%
78 MTSS-ME 28.00% 38.00% 59.00% 25.00% 35.00% 56.00%
79 ROSN-ME 31.00% 43.00% 66.00% 28.00% 40.00% 63.00%
80 SVST-ME 31.00% 43.00% 66.00% 28.00% 40.00% 63.00%
81 MGNT-ME 33.00% 45.00% 70.00% 30.00% 42.00% 67.00%
82 FIVE 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
83 GLTR 38.00% 58.00% 81.00% 35.00% 55.00% 78.00%
84 MAIL 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
85 NLMK-ME 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
86 QIWI 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
87 SGGD-ME 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
88 TCSG 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
89 VTBR-ME 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
90 ATAD-ME 40.00% 55.00% 86.00% 37.00% 52.00% 83.00%
91 RTKM-ME 40.00% 55.00% 86.00% 37.00% 52.00% 83.00%
92 PLZL-ME 43.00% 60.00% 92.00% 40.00% 57.00% 89.00%
93 MMK-ME 50.00% 69.00% 98.00% 47.00% 66.00% 95.00%

Foreign shares:

No Asset Market risk rates
from December 24, 2020 through January 8, 2021
Market risk rates
from January 11, 2021
S_1_min S_2_min S_3_min S_1_min S_2_min S_3_min
1 JNJ-RM 13.50% 19.50% 26.50% 11.00% 17.00% 24.00%
2 KO-RM 13.50% 20.50% 27.50% 11.00% 18.00% 25.00%
3 NEE-RM 14.50% 21.50% 28.50% 11.00% 18.00% 25.00%
4 PG-RM 13.50% 19.50% 26.50% 11.00% 17.00% 24.00%
5 MCD-RM 14.50% 21.50% 29.50% 12.00% 19.00% 27.00%
6 PFE-RM 15.50% 22.50% 30.50% 12.00% 19.00% 27.00%
7 T-RM 15.50% 22.50% 30.50% 12.00% 19.00% 27.00%
8 WMT-RM 15.50% 22.50% 30.50% 12.00% 19.00% 27.00%
9 ABT-RM 14.50% 21.50% 29.50% 12.00% 19.00% 27.00%
10 MSFT-RM 16.50% 24.50% 32.50% 13.00% 21.00% 29.00%
11 V-RM 16.50% 24.50% 32.50% 13.00% 21.00% 29.00%
12 IBM-RM 16.50% 23.50% 32.50% 13.00% 20.00% 29.00%
13 AAPL-RM 17.50% 25.50% 34.50% 14.00% 22.00% 31.00%
14 ADBE-RM 17.50% 25.50% 34.50% 14.00% 22.00% 31.00%
15 BMY-RM 18.50% 26.50% 35.50% 14.00% 22.00% 31.00%
16 DIS-RM 17.50% 25.50% 34.50% 14.00% 22.00% 31.00%
17 GOOG-RM 17.50% 25.50% 34.50% 14.00% 22.00% 31.00%
18 INTC-RM 17.50% 25.50% 34.50% 14.00% 22.00% 31.00%
19 XOM-RM 17.50% 25.50% 34.50% 14.00% 22.00% 31.00%
20 CAT-RM 18.50% 26.50% 35.50% 14.00% 22.00% 31.00%
21 CVX-RM 18.50% 25.50% 34.50% 14.00% 21.00% 30.00%
22 NKE-RM 17.50% 25.50% 35.50% 14.00% 22.00% 32.00%
23 SBUX-RM 17.50% 25.50% 34.50% 14.00% 22.00% 31.00%
24 TGT-RM 18.50% 25.50% 34.50% 14.00% 21.00% 30.00%
25 ABBV-RM 19.50% 28.50% 38.50% 15.00% 24.00% 34.00%
26 ATVI-RM 19.50% 28.50% 38.50% 15.00% 24.00% 34.00%
27 CSCO-RM 19.50% 28.50% 38.50% 15.00% 24.00% 34.00%
28 FDX-RM 19.50% 28.50% 38.50% 15.00% 24.00% 34.00%
29 MA-RM 19.50% 28.50% 38.50% 15.00% 24.00% 34.00%
30 QCOM-RM 19.50% 28.50% 38.50% 15.00% 24.00% 34.00%
31 BABA-RM 19.50% 28.50% 38.50% 15.00% 24.00% 34.00%
32 AMZN-RM 19.50% 28.50% 39.50% 16.00% 25.00% 36.00%
33 AVGO-RM 20.50% 29.50% 40.50% 16.00% 25.00% 36.00%
34 EA-RM 21.50% 30.50% 41.50% 16.00% 25.00% 36.00%
35 GE-RM 20.50% 29.50% 40.50% 16.00% 25.00% 36.00%
36 GM-RM 20.50% 29.50% 40.50% 16.00% 25.00% 36.00%
37 PYPL-RM 19.50% 28.50% 39.50% 16.00% 25.00% 36.00%
38 CRM-RM 20.50% 30.50% 41.50% 16.00% 26.00% 37.00%
39 KHC-RM 20.50% 29.50% 40.50% 16.00% 25.00% 36.00%
40 BIIB-RM 21.50% 31.50% 42.50% 17.00% 27.00% 38.00%
41 FB-RM 22.50% 32.50% 43.50% 17.00% 27.00% 38.00%
42 NEM-RM 21.50% 31.50% 42.50% 17.00% 27.00% 38.00%
43 BIDU-RM 21.50% 31.50% 42.50% 17.00% 27.00% 38.00%
44 HPQ-RM 22.50% 32.50% 44.50% 18.00% 28.00% 40.00%
45 MU-RM 23.50% 34.50% 46.50% 19.00% 30.00% 42.00%
46 NVDA-RM 23.50% 34.50% 46.50% 19.00% 30.00% 42.00%
47 F-RM 24.50% 36.50% 50.50% 21.00% 33.00% 47.00%
48 VTRS-RM 25.50% 37.50% 51.50% 21.00% 33.00% 47.00%
49 NFLX-RM 29.50% 42.50% 57.50% 23.00% 36.00% 51.00%
50 TSLA-RM 28.50% 41.50% 56.50% 23.00% 36.00% 51.00%
51 AMD-RM 29.50% 43.50% 59.50% 24.00% 38.00% 54.00%
52 TWTR-RM 30.50% 44.50% 60.50% 24.00% 38.00% 54.00%
53 BA-RM 35.50% 53.50% 73.50% 31.00% 49.00% 69.00%


Asset Market risk rates
from December 29, 2020 through January 8, 2021
Market risk rates
from January 11, 2021
S_1_min S_2_min S_3_min S_1_min S_2_min S_3_min
1 XS1567051443 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 5.00% 8.00% 11.00%
2 RU000A0JWHA4 7.50% 8.50% 9.50% 6.00% 7.00% 8.00%
3 RU000A0JXTS9 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
4 RU000A0ZYYN4 7.50% 8.50% 9.50% 6.00% 7.00% 8.00%
5 RU000A0ZZVE6 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
6 RU000A102CK5 7.50% 8.50% 9.50% 6.00% 7.00% 8.00%
7 XS0088543193 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
8 XS0114288789 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
9 XS0588433267 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
10 XS0620695204 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
11 XS0708813810 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
12 XS0767472458 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
13 XS0971721450 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
14 XS1038646078 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
15 XS1510534677 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
16 XS1625994022 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
17 XS1632225154 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00%
18 CH0205819441 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 7.00% 10.00% 13.00%
19 XS0290580595 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 7.00% 10.00% 13.00%
20 XS0861981180 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 7.00% 10.00% 13.00%
21 XS0919581982 7.50% 12.50% 17.50% 7.00% 12.00% 17.00%
22 XS1405766384 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 7.00% 10.00% 13.00%
23 XS1449458915 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 7.00% 10.00% 13.00%
24 RU000A0JWNE4 7.50% 10.50% 13.50% 7.00% 10.00% 13.00%
25 US912810EY02 13.50% 16.50% 19.50% 12.00% 15.00% 18.00%
26 US912810FB99 13.50% 16.50% 19.50% 12.00% 15.00% 18.00%
27 US912810FE39 13.50% 16.50% 19.50% 12.00% 15.00% 18.00%
28 US9128282F67 13.50% 16.50% 19.50% 12.00% 15.00% 18.00%
29 US9128284V99 13.50% 16.50% 19.50% 12.00% 15.00% 18.00%
30 US9128287B09 13.50% 16.50% 19.50% 12.00% 15.00% 18.00%
31 US912828R366 13.50% 16.50% 19.50% 12.00% 15.00% 18.00%
32 US912828T263 13.50% 16.50% 19.50% 12.00% 15.00% 18.00%
33 US912810QX90 26.50% 29.50% 32.50% 25.00% 28.00% 31.00%
34 US45905U6L39 11.50% 14.50% 17.50% 10.00% 13.00% 16.00%
35 US45905CAA27 25.50% 28.50% 31.50% 24.00% 27.00% 30.00%

Derivatives Market

No Underlying Market risk rates
from 7:00 pm December 28, 2020 till 7:00 pm January 8, 2021
Market risk rates
from 7:00 pm January 8, 2021
1 MIX 11.50% 17.50% 23.50% 10.00% 16.00% 22.00%
2 MXI 11.50% 17.50% 23.50% 10.00% 16.00% 22.00%
3 RTS 14.00% 20.00% 26.00% 12.00% 18.00% 24.00%
4 RTSS 16.50% 25.50% 35.50% 15.00% 24.00% 34.00%
5 RVI 40.00% 55.00% 84.00% 35.00% 50.00% 79.00%
6 AFLT 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
7 ALRS 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
8 CHMF 20.00% 26.00% 39.00% 17.00% 23.00% 36.00%
9 GAZR 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
10 GMKR 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
11 HYDR 20.00% 26.00% 39.00% 17.00% 23.00% 36.00%
12 LKOH 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
13 MAGN 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
14 MGNT 20.00% 27.00% 41.00% 17.00% 24.00% 38.00%
15 MOEX 20.00% 26.00% 34.00% 17.00% 23.00% 31.00%
16 MTSI 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
17 NLMK 20.00% 27.00% 41.00% 17.00% 24.00% 38.00%
18 NOTK 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
19 ROSN 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
20 SBPR 20.00% 23.00% 30.00% 17.00% 20.00% 27.00%
21 SBRF 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
22 SNGP 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
23 SNGR 20.00% 26.00% 37.00% 17.00% 23.00% 34.00%
24 TATN 20.00% 27.00% 40.00% 17.00% 24.00% 37.00%
25 TRNF 20.00% 26.00% 39.00% 17.00% 23.00% 36.00%
26 YNDF 20.00% 25.00% 35.00% 17.00% 22.00% 32.00%
27 GMKN 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
28 VTBR 20.00% 24.00% 31.00% 17.00% 21.00% 28.00%
29 FEES 21.00% 30.00% 47.00% 18.00% 27.00% 44.00%
30 RTKM 23.00% 33.00% 45.00% 20.00% 30.00% 42.00%
31 POLY 31.00% 41.00% 62.00% 28.00% 38.00% 59.00%
32 IRAO 34.00% 47.00% 72.00% 31.00% 44.00% 69.00%
33 PLZL 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
34 AFKS 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
35 FIVE 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
36 TCSI 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
37 MAIL 38.00% 52.00% 81.00% 35.00% 49.00% 78.00%
38 Si 7.50% 9.50% 11.50% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00%
39 Eu 7.50% 9.50% 11.50% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00%
40 CY 7.50% 9.50% 11.50% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00%
41 AUDU 7.00% 9.00% 12.00% 6.00% 8.00% 11.00%
42 ED 4.50% 6.00% 9.00% 3.50% 5.00% 8.00%
43 GBPU 6.00% 9.00% 13.00% 5.00% 8.00% 12.00%
44 UCAD 5.00% 7.00% 10.00% 4.00% 6.00% 9.00%
45 UCHF 5.00% 7.00% 10.00% 4.00% 6.00% 9.00%
46 UINR 6.00% 9.00% 13.00% 5.00% 8.00% 12.00%
47 UJPY 6.00% 9.00% 13.00% 5.00% 8.00% 12.00%
48 UTRY 17.00% 26.00% 36.00% 15.00% 24.00% 34.00%
49 UUAH 23.00% 32.00% 49.00% 21.00% 30.00% 47.00%
50 ALMN 12.00% 18.00% 24.00% 10.00% 16.00% 22.00%
51 BR 25.00% 30.00% 38.00% 20.00% 25.00% 33.00%
52 CL 35.00% 40.00% 48.00% 30.00% 35.00% 43.00%
53 Co 10.00% 14.00% 20.00% 8.00% 12.00% 18.00%
54 GLD 10.00% 16.00% 23.00% 8.00% 14.00% 21.00%
55 GOLD 8.00% 11.00% 16.00% 6.00% 9.00% 14.00%
56 Nl 13.00% 19.00% 27.00% 11.00% 17.00% 25.00%
57 SILV 16.00% 21.00% 29.00% 14.00% 19.00% 27.00%
58 SLV 18.00% 24.00% 31.00% 16.00% 22.00% 29.00%
59 SUGR 17.00% 24.00% 36.00% 15.00% 22.00% 34.00%
60 Zn 12.00% 18.00% 24.00% 10.00% 16.00% 22.00%
61 NG 25.00% 35.00% 47.00% 20.00% 30.00% 42.00%

Standardized OTC Derivatives market

Name Currency FX risk rate
from 7:00 pm December 28, 2020 till 7:00 pm January 8, 2021
FX risk rate
from 7:00 pm January 8, 2021
1 FX Risk Rate USD 7.50% 6.00%
2 FX Risk Rate EUR 7.50% 6.00%
3 FX Risk Rate CHF 9.00% 7.00%
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