21.12.2022 11:12

The updated coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices to come into force

The following coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices come into force from December 21, 2022:

Index code Currency Index Name Divisor
1 MOEXBMI RUB MOEX Broad Market Index 7,639,824,504.7126
2 RUBMI USD RTS Broad Market Index 237,985,923.5343
3 MOEXEU RUB MOEX Electric Utilities 114,828,979.6206
4 RTSeu USD RTS Electric Utilities Index 45,294,529.4223
5 MCXSM RUB MOEX SMID Index 540,986,863.1053
6 RTSSM USD RTS SMID Index 11,514,815.6776
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