02.06.2014 17:21

Revised lists of the Moscow Exchange Indices announced

Moscow Exchange has revised lists for the constituent lists of the Moscow Exchange Indices as well as free floats effective from June 17, 2014 through September 15, 2014.

The constituent lists of the MICEX Index, the RTS Index, the Blue Chip Index will remain unchanged.

IDGC of the South JSC, Korshynov Mining Plant OАО, OJSC "Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company" ords and JSC "Russian Grids", JSC "Lenzoloto" prefs will be added to the Broad Market Index and to the Second-Tier Index, while OJSC "KuibyshevAzot, JSC "WTC Moscow", JSC "TransContainer", Kazanorgsinthesys OJSC ords will be removed.

Our Sectoral Indices Calculation Methodology requires that shares included in the Broad Market Index also be included in the relevant sectoral index. Thus, Korshynov Mining Plant OАО, OJSC "Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company" ords and JSC "Lenzoloto" prefs will be included in the Metals & Mining Index; IDGC of the South JSC ords and JSC "Russian Grids" prefs will join the Electric Utilities Index; and OJSC "KuibyshevAzot and Kazanorgsinthesys OJSC ords will be removed from the Chemicals Index, JSC "TransContainer" ords will be excluded from the Transport Index.

JSC "UAC" ords will join MICEX Innovation Index.

Summary table of changes in the Moscow Exchange Indices" Constituents Lists

Index Included Excluded
Second-Tier Index IDGC of the South JSC, Ordinary shares OJSC "KuibyshevAzot", Ordinary shares
JSC "Russian Grids", Preferred shares JSC "WTC Moscow", Ordinary shares
Korshynov Mining Plant OАО, Ordinary shares JSC "TransContainer", Ordinary shares
OJSC "Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company", Ordinary shares Kazanorgsinthesys OJSC, Ordinary shares
JSC "Lenzoloto", Preferred shares  
Broad Market Index IDGC of the South JSC, Ordinary shares OJSC "KuibyshevAzot", Ordinary shares
JSC "Russian Grids", Preferred shares JSC "WTC Moscow", Ordinary shares
Korshynov Mining Plant OАО, Ordinary shares JSC "TransContainer", Ordinary shares
OJSC "Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company", Ordinary shares Kazanorgsinthesys OJSC, Ordinary shares
JSC "Lenzoloto", Preferred shares  
Metals & Mining Index Korshynov Mining Plant OАО, Ordinary shares  
OJSC "Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company", Ordinary shares  
JSC "Lenzoloto", Preferred shares  
Chemicals Index   OJSC "KuibyshevAzot", Ordinary shares
  Kazanorgsinthesys OJSC, Ordinary shares
Transport Index   JSC "TransContainer", Ordinary shares
Electric Utilities Index IDGC of the South JSC, Ordinary shares  
JSC "Russian Grids", Preferred shares  
RTS Siberia Index OJSC "Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company", Ordinary shares  
JSC "Lenzoloto", Preferred shares  
MICEX Innovation Index JSC "UAC", Ordinary shares  

Summary table of changes in number of shares employed in the calculation of the Moscow Exchange Indices and included in the waiting lists, as well as free-float coefficients

Ticker Issuer Current number
of shares
New number
of shares
AKRN JSC Acron, Ordinary shares 40 534 000   13% 16%
BANE JSOC Bashneft, Ordinary shares 188 710 587 150 570 662 12%  
BANEP JSOC Bashneft, Preferred shares 38 673 878 29 788 012 100%  
BSPB "Bank "Saint-Petersburg" OJSC, Ordinary shares 439 554 000   41% 45%
CBOM CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW, Ordinary shares 14 467 761 735     0%
CHZN JSC "CZP", Ordinary shares 54 195 410   42% 16%
DASB Dagestan Power Sale Company, Ordinary shares 5 269 115 472     27%
DSKY JSC "Detsky mir", Ordinary shares 739 000 000     1%
DIOD DIOD OJSC, Ordinary shares 91 500 000   25% 31%
FEES "FGC UES", JSC, Ordinary shares 1 276 572 415 769 1 274 665 323 063 21%  
GAZC PJSC "Gazkon", Ordinary shares 185 125 000     0%
GAZS PJSC "Gaz-service", Ordinary shares 185 125 000     0%
GAZT PJSC "GAZ-Tek", Ordinary shares 471 428 300     0%
GTLC JSC "GTL", Ordinary shares 2 596 000 000     28%
KBSB Kubanenergosbyt OJSC, Ordinary shares 17 869 440     26%
KZBE SC KUSBASSENERGO, Ordinary shares 70 675 984 774   14% 4%
LIFE Pharmsynthez OJSC, Ordinary shares 124 849 481   20% 16%
MFGS Slavneft-Megionneftegaz, Ordinary shares 99 474 705   10% 3%
MNPZ Gazpromneft Moscow Refinery, Ordinary shares 5 912 490     4%
MOEX Moscow Exchange, Ordinary shares 2 378 489 153 2 278 636 493 37%  
MRKS IDGC of Siberia, JSC, Ordinary shares 94 815 163 249     5%
NMOS "NOMOS-BANK" (Open Joint-Stock Company), Ordinary shares 121 014 286     25%
PRTK ОАО "PROTEK", Ordinary shares 527 142 857   20% 21%
RGSS JSC "Rosgosstrakh", Ordinary shares 30 966 916 061     13%
RSEA OJSC "Russian Sea Group", Ordinary shares 79 537 651     14%
RSTIP JSC "Russian Grids", Ordinary shares   2 075 149 384   93%
RTKMP OJSC "Rostelecom", Preferred shares 242 831 469   70% 60%
SELGP Seligdar OJSC, Preferred shares 150 000 000     100%
VSMO VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, Ordinary shares 11 529 538   29% 10%
WTCMP JSC "WTC Moscow", Preferred shares 162 000 000     100%
UCSS OJSC "United Credit Systems", Ordinary shares 20 210 000     0%

From June 17, 2014 the following shares will be under consideration.
Under consideration to be added to Moscow Exchange indices:

No Ticker Issuer Index
1 AMEZ PJSC "Ashinskiy metallurgical works", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
2 DASB Dagestan Power Sale Company, Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
3 DGBZP Dorogobuzh, Preferred shares Broad Market Index
4 DVEC JSC "FEEC", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
5 IRKT Irkut Corporation, Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
6 KBSB Kubanenergosbyt OJSC, Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
7 MRKK "IDGC of Northern Caucasus", JSC, Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
8 OPIN JSC "OPIN", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
9 TGKB JSC "TGC-2", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
10 TTLK Tattelecom OJSC, Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
11 UTII JSC "Platform UTINET.RU", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index

Under consideration to be removed from Moscow Exchange indices:

No Ticker Issuer Index
1 GAZA OJSC "GAZ", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
2 SYNG Synergy, Ordinary shares Broad Market Index

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.
