29.07.2014 16:18

MOEX Derivatives Market client gate new features

Moscow Exchange would like to remind you that the new feature is supported in PlazaII library versions starting from 198 allowing you to specify IP address for each API logon session.

Please note that in the nearest future the Moscow Exchange plans to restrict access to Derivatives Market by IP address and no connection without the appropriate software settings will be allowed to the Moscow Exchange Trading system.

In case you use several client gate logins through different brokers on the same server, you should do additional router configuration by specifying exact IP address for each login it is linked to.

To make necessary changes, you need to add the following line into [P2MQROUTER] section in the client_router.ini file:

where ххх.ххх.ххх.ххх – is the IP address linked to specific login.

If you need assistance, please contact our technical support at +7(495) 733-9507 or help@moex.com.

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