20.03.2025 21:52
The updated coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices to come into force
The following coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices come into force from March 21, 2025:
№ | Index code | Currency | Index Name | Divisor |
1 | IMOEX | RUB | MOEX Russia Index | 2,225,231,673.1150 |
2 | RTSI | USD | RTS Index | 70,637,394.1230 |
3 | MOEXBC | RUB | MOEX Blue Chip Index | 268,801,820.5341 |
4 | MRBC | RUB | MOEX 15 Index | 2,216,310,903.3559 |
5 | MOEXBMI | RUB | MOEX Broad Market Index | 3,424,157,020.5276 |
6 | RUBMI | USD | RTS Broad Market Index | 106,664,907.0739 |
7 | MOEXOG | RUB | MOEX Oil and Gas Index | 66,203,940.8436 |
8 | RTSOG | USD | RTS Oil & Gas Index | 34,100,239.1637 |
9 | MOEXEU | RUB | MOEX Electric Utilities | 83,292,884.2666 |
10 | RTSEU | USD | RTS Electric Utilities Index | 32,855,051.1337 |
11 | MOEXTL | RUB | MOEX Telecommunication Index | 11,628,879.4000 |
12 | RTSTL | USD | RTS Telecom Index | 3,792,888.3611 |
13 | MOEXMM | RUB | MOEX Metals and Mining Index | 98,505,751.5751 |
14 | RTSMM | USD | RTS Metals & Mining Index | 46,860,618.7101 |
15 | MOEXFN | RUB | MOEX Financials Index | 39,832,333.0622 |
16 | RTSFN | USD | RTS Finances Index | 22,910,013.5185 |
17 | MOEXCN | RUB | MOEX Consumer Index | 19,871,482.6660 |
18 | RTSCR | USD | RTS Consumer & Retail Index | 8,773,423.5157 |
19 | MOEXCH | RUB | MOEX Chemicals Index | 4,233,608.2229 |
20 | RTSCH | USD | RTS Chemicals Index | 4,059,768.7477 |
21 | MOEXTN | RUB | MOEX Transportation Index | 46,076,984.8070 |
22 | RTSTN | USD | RTS Transport Index | 18,857,285.3369 |
23 | MOEXINN | RUB | MOEX Innovation Index | 169,985,571.7279 |
24 | MOEX10 | RUB | MOEX 10 Index | 6,388.1700 |
25 | MOEXIT | RUB | MOEX IT Index | 51,484,671.8991 |
26 | RTSIT | USD | RTS IT Index | 23,130,497.9478 |
27 | MOEXRE | RUB | MOEX Real Estate Index | 5,297,031.9795 |
28 | RTSRE | USD | RTS Real Estate Index | 2,222,530.9627 |
29 | MCXSM | RUB | MOEX SMID Index | 440,396,032.7728 |
30 | RTSSM | USD | RTS SMID Index | 9,373,756.5334 |
31 | EPSI | RUB | Equity Subindex | 6,330,796,026.7176 |
32 | MXSHAR | RUB | MOEX SHARIAH INDEX | 681,765,705.7450 |
33 | IMOEXW | RUB | MOEX Active Management Index | 1,717,285,893.4093 |
34 | IMOEXCNY | CNY | MOEX Russia CNY Index | 482,720,186.9386 |
35 | MIPO | RUB | MOEX IPO Index | 137,036,152.8501 |
Indices |