31.03.2015 13:03

Temporary changes to trading schedule on options expiration days

Please be informed that starting from 14 April 2015, in accordance with MOEX Derivatives market committee recommendation related to automatic options exercise, the trading hours are changed on expiration dates for weekly, monthly and quarterly options.

Current trading hours on expiration date:

  • Day trading session ends at 18:45
  • Options exercise execution between 18:45-18:50
  • Evening session starts at 19:10

Trading hours on expiration date since 14 April 2015:

  • Day trading session ends at 18:45
  • Options exercise execution/denied execution between 18:45-18:50
  • Evening session starts at 19:05

Please make sure your systems operate in accordance with new schedule.

If you have any questions, please contact Moscow Exchange technical support at +7 (495) 733-9507 or email us at help@moex.com.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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