RUSFAR indicators
Indicator | Name |
RUSFAR | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate ON |
RUSFAR1W | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate 1W |
RUSFAR2W | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate 2W |
RUSFAR1M | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate 1M |
RUSFAR2M | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate 2M* |
RUSFAR3M | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate 3M |
RUSFARUSD | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate USD |
RUSFARCNY | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate CNY |
RUSFARRT | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate REAL TIME |
RUSFAR1WRT | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate 1W REAL TIME |
RUSFAR2WRT | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate 2W REAL TIME |
RUSFAR1MRT | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate 1M REAL TIME |
RUSFAR3MRT | Russian Secured Funding Average Rate 3M REAL TIME |
The RUSFAR (Russian Secured Funding Average Rate) indicators family is calculated based on trades and orders for REPO with Central Counter-Party (CCP), secured via General Collateral Certificates (GCC).
This collateral type is the most suitable for funding rates calculation, because it is issued specifically for REPO deals with CCP and excludes the cost of borrowing a security.
Besides, the GCC provides maximum flexibility for a borrower by allowing to instantly replace the collateral without long REPO deal interruption.
These GCC properties have allowed to apply the uniform RUSFAR indicators calculation methodology for calculating the funding rates for 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months and 3 months terms.
* From April 1, 2020 MOEX terminates calculation and publication of REPO RATE indicator RUSFAR2M