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                List of services

                FAST – real time market data service

                UDP multicast services provide real time market data directly from Moscow Exchange markets. With reliable, consolidated data feed service the subscribers take advantage of receiving financial information based on international delivery standards from largest Russian markets.

                Key advantages include:

                • All markets supported (Equities, FX, Derivatives).
                • Tables: "Instruments" (prices, volume, etc.), "Quotes", "Trades", "Indices", list of active orders.
                • Highly efficient message distribution capabilities.
                • Ultimate scalability.
                • Average market data publication latency is less than 300 microseconds.
                • 5.0 Multicast FAST.

                If you wish to receive Moscow Exchange market data, please contact one of the authorized Distributors.

                If your Company would like to become an authorized Data Distributor or an authorized Data User (market data for using in Non-display systems or for creating Derived data), please follow the steps below:

                1. Contact Moscow Exchange Market Data Sales Department (call to +7 495 363-32-32 or send your enquiry via application form) and sign the respective Data license agreement.
                2. After signing Data license agreement send a request to itsales@moex.com for FAST service access. The request should contain the list of markets you would like to be subscribed to.
                3. Organize a dedicated network channel  through one of the Exchange authorized NSP's (minimum bandwidth for Derivatives market is 4 Mbit/s, for Equities and FX markets 15 mbps is recommended for every feed).

                Production FAST configuration:

                ASTS Platform (Equities and FX)
                https://ftp.moex.com/pub/FAST/ASTS/config/ FAST for Equities, DR Feed, Kislovsky DC
                FAST for FX, DR Feed, Kislovsky DC
                Production FAST for Equities, M1 DC
                Production FAST for FX, M1 DC
                SPECTRA Platform (Derivatives and Standard sector of Equities)
                https://ftp.moex.com/pub/FAST/Spectra/ Production FAST for Derivatives, М1 DC

                Please contact help@moex.com to get access to the test/development environment.

                FAST Service Description (for Derivatives market)

                FAST Service User guide, templates, configuration (for Equities and FX markets)

                If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact us.

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