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                List of services

                Connectivity Fee Schedule

                Technical access IDs for Terminals:

                Service name One-off charge, Rubles Monthly charge, Rubles
                1 MOEX Trade Currency 10 000 ₽ 10 000 ₽
                2 MOEX Trade SE 10 000 ₽ 10 000 ₽
                3 MOEX Trade TI 10 000 ₽ 10 000 ₽
                4 MOEX Spectra Terminal 10 000 ₽ 10 000 ₽

                Technical access IDs for API and FIX/FAST:


                Service name One-off charge, Rubles Monthly charge, Rubles
                6 ASTSBridge 4 000 ₽1 4 000 ₽2
                7 PLAZAII (Main technical access ID) 6 000 ₽1 6 000 ₽2
                8 PLAZAII (Transactional technical access ID) 4 000 ₽1 4 000 ₽2
                9 PLAZAII (View only technical access ID) 4 000 ₽ 4 000 ₽
                10 FIX Gate 4 000 ₽1 4 000 ₽2
                11 FIFO TWIME ASTS 30 000 ₽ 30 000 ₽
                12 TWIME 4 000 ₽1 4 000 ₽2
                MFIX Transactional
                4 000 ₽1 4 000 ₽2


                Additional services for technical access IDs for API:


                Service name One-off charge, Rubles Monthly charge, Rubles
                15 Full_orders_log3, 4 - 8 000 ₽

                Other technical access IDs:

                Service name One-off charge, Rubles Monthly charge, Rubles
                16 NAVIGATOR Web 10 000 ₽ 10 000 ₽
                17 Reuters workstation 10 000 ₽ 10 000 ₽
                18 Bloomberg workstation 10 000 ₽ 10 000 ₽

                IT support services for ASTSBridge:

                Service name One-off charge, Rubles Monthly charge, Rubles
                19 For Equity and Bond Market, FX
                and Precious Metals Markets, Money Market
                - 13 000 ₽

                Plaza workstation / "MOEX Board" Terminal

                Service name One-off charge, USD Monthly charge, USD One-off charge, EUR Monthly charge, EUR
                20 MOEX Board, quote mode $ 165 $ 165 € 135 € 135
                21 MOEX Board, view only mode $ 33 $ 52 € 27 € 42
                22 Access to FIA news feed6 - $ 26 - € 21


                Service name One-off charge, USD Monthly charge, USD One-off charge, EUR Monthly charge, EUR
                23 Plaza API (until 01.09.2022) $ 97 $ 64 € 80 € 53
                24 Access to FAST Gate software
                24.1 FAST Gate (Equity and Bond Market)7 $ 60 $ 60 € 50 € 50
                24.2 FAST Gate (FX and Precious Metals Market)7 $ 60 $ 60 € 50 € 50
                24.3 FAST Gate (Derivatives Market)7 $ 60 $ 60 € 50 € 50
                25 Access to SIMBA SPECTRA software
                25.1 SIMBA SPECTRA $ 430 $ 430 € 335 € 335

                Additional services for FAST Gate:

                Service name One-off charge, USD Monthly charge, USD One-off charge, EUR Monthly charge, EUR
                26 Full_orders_log3 - $ 300 - € 250


                Service name One-off charge, USD Monthly charge, USD One-off charge, EUR Monthly charge, EUR
                27 Universal connectivity scheme (ASTS/FORTS)
                27.1 Basic (no reserve) - $ 145 - € 120
                27.2 Redundant (full automatic reserve) - $ 290 - € 235
                Service name One-off charge, USD Monthly charge, USD One-off charge, EUR Monthly charge, EUR
                28 ConnectME
                28.1 Connection to the Technical Center facilities $ 315 $ 315 € 260 € 260
                28.2 Device maintenance for remote connection to the Technical Center network $ 145 $ 145 € 120 € 120
                29 Internet access (VPN) $ 77 $ 77 € 64 € 64

                Global points of presence:

                Global Points of Presence PROD Rth Latency, ms Bandwidth, Mbps Fee15
                Non-recurring, EUR Monthly recurring, EUR
                Prod. UAT Prod. (market
                data/order entry)
                UAT (market
                data + order entry)
                Prod. UAT Prod. UAT
                30.1 London, LD4 36 38 100 / 5 10 € 900 € 300 € 1000 € 320
                30.2 London, Interxion 36 38 100 / 5 10 € 900 € 300 € 1000 € 320
                30.3 Frankfurt, FR2 34 36 100 / 5 10 € 900 € 300 € 1000 € 320
                30.4 Chicago, CH1 117 120 100 / 5 10 € 900 € 300 € 1000 € 320
                30.5 Chicago, Aurora 116 119 100 / 5 10 € 1000 € 300 € 1100 € 320
                30.6 Hong Kong, HKEX 135 140 50 / 5 10 € 1600 € 300 € 2000 € 400
                30.7 Dubai, DX1 128 130 10 / 5 10 € 1600 € 300 € 2200 € 450
                30.8 Mumbai, BKC 138 145 50 / 5 10 € 1600 € 300 € 2200 € 450
                30.9 Shanghai, SHFE 119 130 2 / 2 2 € 1600 € 300 € 2300 € 600
                30.10 Singapore, SGX 178 182 50 / 5 10 € 1600 € 300 € 2200 € 450

                Co-location price list

                Dedicated Gateway:

                31 Dedicated Gateway (ASTS markets)
                Max number of client connections Technology scheme One-off license fee, Rubles Monthly charge, Rubles One-off installation charge, Rubles
                31.1 1-8 No reserve (main Gateway) 355 000 ₽ 17 000 ₽ 20 060 ₽
                31.2 Reserved (main and backup Gateways) 532 500 ₽ 25 500 ₽ 40 120 ₽
                31.3 9-20 No reserve (main Gateway) 585 000 ₽ 30 000 ₽ 20 060 ₽
                31.4 Reserved (main and backup Gateways) 877 500 ₽ 45 000 ₽ 40 120 ₽
                31.5 21+ No reserve (main Gateway) 1 190 000 ₽ 60 000 ₽ 20 060 ₽
                31.6 Reserved (main and backup Gateways) 1 785 000 ₽ 90 000 ₽ 40 120 ₽
                Services for the installation and rental of a dedicated server Gateway8 Monthly charge, Rubles One-off charge, Rubles
                31.7 Installation of the Client's equipment in a shared rack (price quoted for one (1) unit taken by the Client's equipment) 20 000 ₽ 10 000 ₽
                31.8 Rental services of equipment used for software installation and configuration (price for one (1) unit of equipment9 60 000 ₽ 30 000 ₽
                32 Dedicated access server
                Service name One-off charge, USD Monthly charge, USD One-off charge, EUR Monthly charge, EUR
                32.1 Dedicated access server FORTS $ 575 $ 430 € 470 € 355
                32.2 Dedicated access server Plaza $ 45 $ 90 € 35 € 70

                Margin calculation module:

                Service name One-off charge, USD Monthly charge, USD One-off charge, EUR Monthly charge, EUR
                33 DLL Clients (Client version)
                33.1 DLL Clients $ 22 $ 8 € 18 € 6
                33.2 DLL Clients 20 $ 44 $ 16 € 36 € 12
                34 DLL Firm (Firm version)
                34.1 DLL Firm 500 $ 430 $ 145 € 360 € 60
                34.2 DLL Firm Unlimited $ 860 $ 345 € 700 € 285

                Fees of EDI System applications:

                Service name One-off charge, USD Monthly charge, USD One-off charge, EUR Monthly charge, EUR
                35 Universal file gateway - $ 9 - € 7
                36 OTC Client11 $ 33 - € 27 -
                37 EDC Client12 $ 33 - € 27 -

                Access to MOEX Dealing System:

                Service name One-off charge, USD Monthly charge, USD One-off charge, EUR Monthly charge, EUR
                38 MOEX Dealing System    
                38.1 The monthly fee includes 1 (one) ID - $ 720 - € 600
                38.2 Additional ID (for each ID except the first one included into monthly fee) - $ 72 - € 60

                Non-standard trades:

                Service name One-off charge, USD Monthly charge, USD One-off charge, EUR Monthly charge, EUR
                39 Provision of data on non-standard trades (orders) 13 - $ 43014 - € 35514


                Tariffs for resident of the Russian Federation are in RUB. Tariffs for non-residents are in EUR or USD. The Tariffs are exclusive of VAT which is charged in cases and according to the procedure set out in Russian law.

                Tariffs set in RUB shall apply to clients from Eurasian Economic Union member states (Russia and non-residents of the Russian Federation, i.e. Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan), international companies, as well as branches, permanent representative offices and other stand-alone or independent business units of non-residents located in the Russian Federation and Eurasian Economic Union;

                Tariffs set in USD or EUR shall apply to other non-resident clients; clients are free to choose which billing currency they prefer to apply to Services for which tariffs are given in both USD and EUR, by sending notice (in no particular form) to the Technical Centre email address.

                1 Fees also apply to register changes (as increase or a decrease) in the technical access IDs performance unit.
                2 Fees are per performance unit (30 transactions per second).
                3 The service makes it technically possible (by using the PlazaII Gateway or FAST Gate software under the software user guide) to get anonymised data on all transactions made in the Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market trading system during the trading session. Transaction means a command sent to manage orders according to the PlazaII Gateway of FAST Gate user guide. The fee is charged in arrears and payable only by Users that are the Derivatives Market trading members.
                4 Additional services for technical access IDs are available for the main and view only IDs for the PlazaII Gateway software on the Derivatives Market.
                5 One unit of the ASTSBridge service package includes up to 5 (five) IDs for Equity and Bond Market, FX and Precious Metals Markets, Money Market. Remote access to ASTSBridge is made enabled by using technical access IDs given for every TC SHC Subsystem.
                6 Access to FIA news is provided under the following conditions: The Client has signed corresponding agreement with FIA providing the rights to receive FIA news feed and The Client has obtained the right to use Plaza workstation / "MOEX Board" Terminal.
                7 The Service to access the FAST Gate Software is provided only if the Client has in place the Market Data Agreement with the subject matter corresponding with the Client's intent in using Market Data. The Service to access the FAST Gate Software does not include access to Market Data.
                8 Apply in addition to the selected tariff plan of the Gateway software.
                9 Apply in addition to the Services on hardware placement of the licensee.
                10 If the Client is not a trading member on the Derivatives Market, the payment for subscription will be charged in advance for the whole year — 3 000 rubles.
                11 Universal File Gateway is also needed to use the software.
                12 Each trade/agreement made through EDC Client (for trades registered in trades registry of the MOEX Equity & Bond Market using the MOEX Board system) is 1 USD / 1 EUR. Each trade/agreement made through EDC Client (for other OTC trades not registered in trades registry of MOEX Equity & Bond Market and made without using the MOEX Board system) – 4 USD / 3,5 EUR. Printed paper copies of electronic documents certified by the Market Operator upon Client request – 1 USD / 1 EUR per document.
                13 Universal File Gateway is also needed to use the software.
                14 The cost of the Universal File Gateway software is not included in the fee.
                15 All prices are subject to Russian local VAT. UAT access includes access to both development and production version test environments.

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