Network access to Moscow Exchange
Fully configurable solution
Direct "point-to-point" connection
through NSP of client's choice.
Connection through MOEX-certified
Telecom providers' clouds.
Lowest latency access
Equipment co-location
in MOEX DC in Moscow.
Global infrastructure
MOEX connectivity services
in top financial centers.
Connectivity over VPN
or Public Internet with cryptography.
ms Latency
minimum round trip time
Fully configurable, safe and fail-tolerant point-to-point connection through wide range of telecom providers.
⦿ | MOEX Trade Terminal | ⦿ | ISS |
⦿ | Spectra Terminal | ⦿ | MOEX Trade Info |
⦿ | ASTS Bridge | ⦿ | FX CGATE |
⦿ | ASTS Bridge Embedded | ⦿ | MOEX.Board Terminal |
⦿ | Hosted ASTS Bridge | ⦿ | NAMEX |
⦿ | Plaza II | ⦿ | Navigator WEB |
⦿ | FIX ASTS | ⦿ | SpectraIM |
⦿ | FIX Spectra | ||
⦿ | SPFI FIX API adapter | ||
⦿ | TWIME | ||
⦿ | FAST ASTS | ||
⦿ | FAST Spectra | ||
⦿ | FAST Spectra FullOrderLog | ||
⦿ | SIMBA |
ConnectME is a fully customized solution designed as a direct point-to-point connection between the client facility and the Exchange network equipment. For telecom services the customer can choose from wide range of telecom providers globally however the last mile operator must be licensed to provide services in Russia.
The solution provides a safe and fail-tolerant route fully monitored and managed by the Exchange professionals.
ConnectME service consists of two parts:
- Connection to the MOEX network equipment;
- Setup and support of the Client's router configuration.
Key Benefits:
- Single entry point to all the Moscow Exchange markets.
- Wide range of telecommunication carriers*.
- Stable network latency and fixed channel bandwidth.
- Flexibly configurable redundancy options.
* Operator must be pre-approved by MOEX.
MOEX also offers ConnectME Test service to access UAT environment for testing and software certification purpose.
ConnectME Test
Direct point-to-point connection between the client facility and the Exchange UAT infrastructure. For telecom services the customer can choose from wide range of telecom providers globally however the last mile operator must be licensed to provide services in Russia.
Key Benefits:
- access to all MOEX test services
- wide range of telecommunication carriers*
- stable network latency and fixed channel bandwidth.
* Operator must be pre-approved by MOEX.
Connectivity service cost
Feel free to contact us:
Connectivity service cost
Feel free to contact us:
Connectivity overview
The Client's connection points may be located in any area accessible by telecom operators. Moscow Exchange team sets up and fully maintains customer's router configuration used to access the Exchange infrastructure.
Client chooses network carrier and leases dark fiber or L2VPN circuit to access MOEX infrastructure in main DC (Dataspace) or disaster recovery DC (M1). MOEX allocates a dedicated 1Gbps port on Exchange network equipment for each connection over ConnectME scheme.
Connectivity overview
The Client's connection points may be located in any area accessible by telecom operators. Moscow Exchange team sets up and fully maintains customer's router configuration used to access the UAT Exchange infrastructure.
Client chooses network carrier and leases dark fiber or L2VPN circuit to access MOEX infrastructure.
MOEX allocates a dedicated 1Gbps port on Exchange network equipment in the Main DC (DataSpace).
Useful information
- Hardware and network requirements
- Frequently asked questions
- ConnectME service brochure
- Instruction for connections migration from the DMZ segment
Service order forms
Technical documentation
Useful information
Service order forms
Technical documentation
Redundancy options
ConnectME service offers the following redundancy alternatives to meet customer needs:
- two independent connections to one MOEX data center;
- two independent connections to each of two MOEX data centers;
- single non-redundant connection to any data center of the customer's choice (in case redundancy is unnecessary or ConnectME is used as a backup for another connectivity solution)
Technical requirements
Frequently asked questions on ConnectME service
What is the difference between ConnectME and Universal DMA Scheme?
- Within ConnectME solution the Client's traffic is isolated and transmitted via a dedicated circuit with a fixed configuration, Universal Scheme assumes transmitting traffic of all clients of one telecom operator through an aggregated channel.
- ConnectME solution may be organized with any telecom operator licensed in Russia, while Universal Scheme offers only a limited number of operators certified by MOEX.
- ConnectME offers flexible configuration for redundant connection while Universal DMA Scheme offers only two predetermined options: connection to the main and DR DCs via one telecom operator or failover connection via two telecom operators.
Where ConnectME points of connectivity are located?
May fiber channel be used in ConnectME?
May non-Cisco network equipment be used?
Which market interfaces and protocols may be used within ConnectME?
For more Q&A please refer to the Connectivity Guide.
Frequently asked questions on ConnectME Test service
Where ConnectME Test point of connectivity is located?
May fiber channel be used in ConnectME Test?
May non-Cisco network equipment be used?
Which test interfaces and protocols may be used within ConnectME Test?
For more Q&A please refer to the Connectivity Guide.
ms Latency
minimum round trip time
Access Exchange infrastructure via MOEX-certified providers' aggregated circuits.
⦿ | MOEX Trade Terminal | ⦿ | ISS |
⦿ | Spectra Terminal | ⦿ | MOEX Trade Info |
⦿ | ASTS Bridge | ⦿ | FX CGATE |
⦿ | ASTS Bridge Embedded | ⦿ | MOEX.Board Terminal |
⦿ | Hosted ASTS Bridge | ⦿ | NAMEX |
⦿ | Plaza II | ⦿ | Navigator WEB |
⦿ | FIX ASTS | ⦿ | SpectraIM |
⦿ | FIX Spectra | ||
⦿ | SPFI FIX API adapter | ||
⦿ | TWIME | ||
⦿ | FAST ASTS | ||
⦿ | FAST Spectra | ||
⦿ | FAST Spectra FullOrderLog | ||
⦿ | SIMBA |
Universal DMA Scheme
Convenient network access to Moscow Exchange infrastructure via MOEX-certified providers' aggregated circuits.
MOEX offers two connectivity options to MOEX main and DR data centers:
- Basic scheme: connectivity through network cloud of one telecom provider. Automatic switchover to backup provider's circuit is supported on a network level.
- Failover scheme: connectivity through network circuits organized by two different telecom providers with automatic redundancy on a network level. In case one provider network is unavailable, the connection is automatically switched to another provider network.
Key Benefits:
- Access to all MOEX markets;
- Connection to MOEX main and DR data centers by default;
- Only MOEX approved telecom operators are supported for Universal DMA connectivity service.
Universal DMA scheme does not provide an access to MOEX UAT services.
Connectivity service cost
Feel free to contact us:
Connectivity overview
The Client's connection points may be located in any area accessible by telecom operators. Moscow Exchange team sets up and maintains the configuration of customer's router used to access the Exchange infrastructure.
Customer orders dedicated connection to MOEX infrastructure via certified network provider(s) or can order Universal scheme as an additional service to already existing connection.
Each of the certified NSPs operates dedicated network segment already connected to MOEX in main and DR data centers via aggregated channels, i.e. traffic of all clients of one NSP is transferred to Exchange through one port on MOEX network equipment.
Useful information
- Hardware and network requirements
- Frequently asked questions
- Instruction for connections migration from the DMZ segment
Service order forms
Technical documentation
Technical requirements
Frequently asked questions on Universal Scheme
What is the difference between Universal DMA scheme and ConnectME solution?
- Universal Scheme assumes transmitting traffic of all clients of one telecom operator through an aggregated network cloud, while within ConnectME solution the Client's traffic is isolated and transmitted via a dedicated channel with a fixed configuration.
- Universal Scheme offers only a limited number of operators certified by MOEX whereas ConnectME solution may be organized with any telecom operator licensed in Russia.
- Universal DMA Scheme offers only two predetermined options: connection to the main and DR DCs via one telecom operator or failover connection via two telecom operators; ConnectME offers flexible redundancy configuration
May non-Cisco network equipment be used?
Which market interfaces and protocols may be used within Universal scheme?
For more Q&A please refer to the Connectivity Guide.
ms Latency
minimum round trip time
Co-location in MOEX data center - the fastest and the most reliable access to MOEX markets.
⦿ | MOEX Trade Terminal | ⦿ | ISS |
⦿ | Spectra Terminal | ⦿ | MOEX Trade Info |
⦿ | ASTS Bridge | ⦿ | FX CGATE |
⦿ | ASTS Bridge Embedded | ⦿ | MOEX.Board Terminal |
⦿ | Hosted ASTS Bridge | ⦿ | NAMEX |
⦿ | Plaza II | ⦿ | Navigator WEB |
⦿ | FIX ASTS | ⦿ | SpectraIM |
⦿ | FIX Spectra | ||
⦿ | SPFI FIX API adapter | ||
⦿ | TWIME | ||
⦿ | FAST ASTS | ||
⦿ | FAST Spectra | ||
⦿ | FAST Spectra FullOrderLog | ||
⦿ | SIMBA |
Equipment co-location service at Moscow Exchange data center offers the lowest-latency access to the Exchange markets by ensuring the reliability, accessibility, and security of client connections. Clients are able to set up their applications in the data center with the closest proximity to the Moscow Exchange trading platforms, which thereby provides the best latency for order execution and the fastest data feeds.
The co-location service is available to market participants, exchange members, their clients, data providers, software vendors, and the entire community of users seeking the highest possible access speed.
Key Benefits:
- The fastest and the most reliable connectivity to MOEX infrastructure;
- Access to all MOEX market interfaces and protocols;
- Co-location services do not require trading member status, it's available even for private investors;
- Minimum latency access to growing number of brokers, market data and software vendors hosted in MOEX Co-location
MOEX also offers UAT access from Co-location space for testing and software certification purpose.
UAT access in MOEX Co-location
MOEX Co-location clients may order an access to UAT environment over separate production-like infrastructure for testing and software certification purpose. This allows to configure and test client systems with no risk of disruption the main production installation.
The co-location service is available to market participants, exchange members, their clients, data providers, software vendors, and the entire community of users seeking the highest possible access speed.
Key Benefits:
- access to all MOEX UAT services;
- production-like technical infrastructure.
Co-location services cost:
Feel free to contact us:
Co-location services cost:
Feel free to contact us:
Useful information
- Hardware and network requirements
- Frequently asked questions
- Co-location service brochure
- Network providers in MOEX Co-location
Service order forms
- Colocation Services Rules
- Colocation Procedures
- Service request form
- Service change form
- Client authorization form
- MOEX Information Security LLC services
Technical documentation
Useful information
- UAT access request form
- Hardware and network requirements
- Co-location service brochure
- Frequently asked questions
- Network providers in MOEX Co-location
Service order forms
Hardware requirements
MOEX has no restrictions regarding the choice of producers of the equipment installed and connected in the co-location facility. There are only basic equipment requirements defined by Colocation Rules and Conditions.
Network requirements
- Server equipment may be connected to production trading infrastructure via 10 Gbit/s or 1 Gbit/s links. Network equipment may be connected via 10 Gbit/s links only.
- Connectivity to MOEX UAT environment may also be organized via 10 Gbit/s or 1 Gbit/s links. UAT network segment is physically isolated from a production one, i.e. access to test services is provided through separate (non-production) network channels.
- Internet connection may be organized through MOEX infrastructure or channels of certified network providers hosted in Co-location.
- Both fiber and copper cross-connections to other co-location clients are available.
For more information on recommended channel bandwidth please refer to: Load Test report
Hardware requirements
MOEX has no restrictions regarding the choice of producers of the equipment installed and connected in the co-location facility. There are only basic equipment requirements defined by Colocation Rules and Conditions
Network requirements
Connectivity to MOEX UAT environment may be organized via 10 Gbit/s or 1 Gbit/s links. UAT network segment is physically isolated from a production one, i.e. access to test services is provided through separate (non-production) network channels and require the needed number of free ports on client`s equipment.
Frequently asked questions on Co-location
Where client equipment is located?
DataSpace1 DC is located at: 11 building 9 Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Str Moscow 115088.
Who is in charge of client equipment installation and connecting it to the power and data networks?
How is the connection redundancy ensured?
Does MOEX provide backup internet connection?
What are requirements for cabling? May cables be passed over the top of the cabinet or under the floor between cabinets? Is there pass-through space between the racks?
Does MOEX offer remote hands service? How long does it take to solve a request?
Which test services are accessible from MOEX Co-location?
How to get technical support?
For more Q&A please refer to the Connectivity Guide.
Frequently asked questions on Co-location test services
Which UAT services are accessible from MOEX Co-location?
May equipment used in production be connected to the UAT environment?
Does MOEX provide backup internet connection?
Does MOEX offer remote hands service? How long does it take to solve a request?
How to get technical support?
For more Q&A please refer to the Connectivity Guide.
ms Latency
minimum round trip time
Access MOEX infrastructure from Points of Presence worldwide.
⦿ | MOEX Trade Terminal | ⦿ | ISS |
⦿ | Spectra Terminal | ⦿ | MOEX Trade Info |
⦿ | ASTS Bridge | ⦿ | FX CGATE |
⦿ | ASTS Bridge Embedded | ⦿ | MOEX.Board Terminal |
⦿ | Hosted ASTS Bridge | ⦿ | NAMEX |
⦿ | Plaza II | ⦿ | Navigator WEB |
⦿ | FIX ASTS | ⦿ | SpectraIM |
⦿ | FIX Spectra | ||
⦿ | TWIME | ||
⦿ | FAST ASTS | ||
⦿ | FAST Spectra | ||
⦿ | FAST Spectra FullOrderLog | ||
⦿ | SIMBA |
Points of Presence
Moscow Exchange offers its customers low latency network connectivity from top financial centers across the globe through its global infrastructure.
The Client's connection points may be located anywhere from nearby facility in the data center to any location accessible by telecom operators.
Service is available to all MOEX Trading members, their clients, telecom providers, market data and OMS vendors as well as Connectivity Vendors.
Key Benefits:
- Globally competitive door-to-door latency.
- Resilient infrastructure.
- Reduced operational cost: no need to organize own connectivity to MOEX DC in Moscow.
- 10 Points of Presence in Europe, United States and Asia:
- London: LD4, Interxion.
- Frankfurt: FR2.
- Chicago: CH1, Aurora.
- Hong Kong: HKEX.
- Dubai: DX1.
- Mumbai: BKC.
- Shanghai: SHFE.
- Singapore: SGX.
MOEX also offers UAT access from Points of Presence for testing and software certification purpose.
Please note UAT connection is enabled as an add-on to PROD connection and cannot be ordered as separate service in terms of contract.
UAT access in Points of Presence
Clients may order an access to MOEX UAT environment in Points of Presence for testing and software certification purpose.
The Client's connection points may be located anywhere from nearby facility in the data center to any location accessible by telecom operators.
Service is available to all MOEX Trading members, their clients, telecom providers, market data and OMS vendors as well as Connectivity Vendors.
Please note UAT connection is enabled as an add-on to PROD connection and cannot be ordered as separate service in terms of contract.
Key Benefits:
- Globally competitive door-to-door latency.
- Reduced operational cost: no need to organize own connectivity to MOEX DC in Moscow.
- 10 Points of Presence in Europe, United States and Asia:
- London: LD4, Interxion.
- Frankfurt: FR2.
- Chicago: CH1, Aurora.
- Hong Kong: HKEX.
- Dubai: DX1.
- Mumbai: BKC.
- Shanghai: SHFE.
- Singapore: SGX.
Connectivity service cost
Feel free to contact us:
Connectivity service cost
Feel free to contact us:
Useful information
- Hardware and network requirements
- Frequently asked questions
- Steps to connect through Point of Presence
- MOEX Global Infrastructure brochure
Service order forms
Technical documentation
Useful information
- UAT access request form
- Hardware and network requirements
- Frequently asked questions
- Steps to connect through Point of Presence
Service order forms
Hardware requirements
MOEX has no restrictions regarding the choice of producers of the equipment connected in Points of Presence. There are only basic equipment requirements, such as BGP support and availability of optical ports.
Network requirements
Both L2VPN and dedicated fiber lines may be used to access MOEX through Points of Presence. The required channel bandwidth depends on Exchange services in use. For more information please refer to the Load Test report.
Hardware requirements
MOEX has no restrictions regarding the choice of producers of the equipment connected in Points of Presence. There are only basic equipment requirements, such as BGP support and availability of optical ports.
Network requirements
Both L2VPN and dedicated fiber lines may be used to access MOEX through Points of Presence. The required channel bandwidth depends on Exchange services in use. For more information please refer to the Load Test report.
Frequently asked questions
What are the Latency and channel bandwidth at different Points of Presence?
Are MOEX test services (UAT) available at Points of Presence?
Please note that this service is enabled as an add-on to PROD connection and cannot be ordered as separate service in terms of contract.
May MOEX terminals (GUI) be connected at Points of Presence?
For more Q&A please refer to the Connectivity Guide.
Frequently asked questions
What are the Latency and channel bandwidth at different Points of Presence?
ms Latency
minimum round trip time
Connectivity over VPN or Public Internet. No need to build specific network solution on the client side.
*Derivatives market FIX only
⦿ | MOEX Trade Terminal | ⦿ | ISS |
⦿ | Spectra Terminal | ⦿ | MOEX Trade Info |
⦿ | ASTS Bridge | ⦿ | FX CGATE |
⦿ | ASTS Bridge Embedded | ⦿ | MOEX.Board Terminal |
⦿ | Hosted ASTS Bridge | ⦿ | NAMEX |
⦿ | Plaza II | ⦿ | Navigator WEB |
⦿ | FIX ASTS | ⦿ | SpectraIM |
⦿ | FIX Spectra | ||
⦿ | TWIME | ||
⦿ | FAST ASTS | ||
⦿ | FAST Spectra | ||
⦿ | FAST Spectra FullOrderLog | ||
⦿ | SIMBA |
Some of the Exchange services that do not require low latency and specific channel bandwidth are available over the Internet with no need to build specific network connectivity solution on the client side.
Key Benefits:
- Connection to MOEX services form any point across the globe accessible by Internet providers.
- Reduced operational cost: no need to organize dedicated network circuits.
- Short time to market to connect to MOEX infrastructure.
- Minimum requirements for client's side infrastructure.
Connectivity over VPN
Accessing Moscow Exchange via public communication channels using a Virtual Private Network (Cisco AnyConnect). MOEX allocates an individual login linked to Client's identifier for each connection. The solution does not provide a guaranteed latency or channel bandwidth but allows to setup connectivity to MOEX within short terms and cost-effectively. VPN is recommended as a backup connection method or to connect single instances of terminals or external systems to exchange infrastructure.
Supported markets: Equities, FX and Derivatives.
Available services: SPECTRA Terminal, Plaza II API, FIX Spectra, MOEX Trade Terminals, MOEX Dealing, MOEX.Board.
Connectivity over Public Internet with encryption
In case of connecting over the Public Internet data security is ensured on Exchange protocols level. Cryptography is used for connecting to MOEX trading services (available to Russian residents), cryptographic keys are subject to additional charge.
Available services: MOEX Trade Terminal, Hosted ASTS Bridge, ISS, MOEX Trade Info.
UAT access over the Internet
Connection over the Internet is the simplest way to access MOEX UAT environment for testing and software certification purpose. The solution does not provide a guaranteed latency or channel bandwidth but allows to setup connectivity to MOEX UAT systems within short terms.
Key Benefits:
- Connection to MOEX UAT services form any point across the globe accessible by Internet providers.
- Reduced operational cost: no need to organize dedicated network circuits.
- Short time to market to connect to MOEX infrastructure.
- Minimum requirements for client's side infrastructure.
ASTS test services (Securities, FX and Money markets) are available over the Public Internet.
Access to SPECTRA test services (Derivatives market) is provided using PPTP VPN.
Connectivity service cost
Connectivity over VPN
Connectivity over Public Internet
Feel free to contact us:
Connectivity service cost
Feel free to contact us:
Useful information
VPN service order forms
Additional information on connection over Public Internet
Technical documentation
Useful information
Supported Hardware
In most cases a computer with one of the operating systems supported by Cisco AnyConnect client is sufficient for VPN connection to MOEX. Additional hardware and/or software requirements depend on the protocol/interface used.
Connectivity over the Public Internet may be set up using any connectivity method including cellular networks.
Network requirements
VPN connection requires static IP address in the Internet.
Required bandwidth depends on specific protocols which the customer is planning to use to access markets. For more information on recommended channel bandwidth please refer to the Load Test report
Hardware requirements
There are no specific hardware requirements for UAT connections over the Internet.
Network requirements
UAT access over the Internet may be set up using any connectivity method including cellular networks. ASTS test services are available over the Public Internet. SPECTRA Test services are available over PPTP VPN.
To receive Test FAST UDP Multicast data, static IP address in the Internet is required.
Frequently asked questions
What is the difference between Internet connection and Universal DMA scheme/ConnectME solution?
- Internet connection is set up over Public Internet while Universal DMA scheme and ConnectME solution use the dedicated network channels.
- Due to floating loads on Internet provider's infrastructure, latency of VPN/EDI solution is not stable and changes over the time.
- VPN/EDI solution does not provide redundancy options.
- MOEX FAST market data is not available via VPN/EDI.
Where VPN connection point is located?
For more Q&A please refer to the connectivity guides: VPN, Public Internet.
Moscow Exchange partners
Network providers authorized for Universal Scheme and ConnectME
Network providers in MOEX Co-location
Certified third party front end systems
Contact details
Sales team
(Mon to Fri from 08:00 to 24:00 MSK)
Т +7 (495) 363-32-32, ext. 5656
(Mon to Fri from 08:00 to 24:00 MSK)
Т +7 (495) 733-9507
Т +7 (495) 287-7691