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                List of services

                Network access to Moscow Exchange


                Fully configurable solution

                Direct "point-to-point" connection
                through NSP of client's choice.

                Universal scheme

                Connection through MOEX-certified
                Telecom providers' clouds.


                Lowest latency access

                Equipment co-location
                in MOEX DC in Moscow.

                Points of Presence

                Global infrastructure

                MOEX connectivity services
                in top financial centers.


                Connectivity over VPN
                or Public Internet with cryptography.


                ms Latency
                minimum round trip time


                Fully configurable, safe and fail-tolerant point-to-point connection through wide range of telecom providers.

                Network:InternetNSPs certified by MOEXNSP of Client’s choice
                Router:Managed by ClientManaged by MOEX


                ConnectME is a fully customized solution designed as a direct point-to-point connection between the client facility and the Exchange network equipment. For telecom services the customer can choose from wide range of telecom providers globally however the last mile operator must be licensed to provide services in Russia.

                The solution provides a safe and fail-tolerant route fully monitored and managed by the Exchange professionals.

                ConnectME service consists of two parts:

                • Connection to the MOEX network equipment;
                • Setup and support of the Client's router configuration.

                Key Benefits:

                • Single entry point to all the Moscow Exchange markets.
                • Wide range of telecommunication carriers*.
                • Stable network latency and fixed channel bandwidth.
                • Flexibly configurable redundancy options.

                * Operator must be pre-approved by MOEX.

                MOEX also offers ConnectME Test service to access UAT environment for testing and software certification purpose.


                Connectivity service cost

                Price is indicative. User IDs and other information and technological services are subject to additional charge.
                Monthly starting from: 20 000 RUB
                (1G production port in the Main or DR DC + Network equipment installation and setup, per 1 unit)
                One-off charge starting from: 20 000 RUB
                Network equipment costs and dedicated channel organization are not included.
                Fee Schedule

                Feel free to contact us:

                +7 (495) 363-3232 ext. 5656


                Moscow Exchange partners

                Network providers authorized for Universal Scheme and ConnectME

                Network providers in MOEX Co-location

                Certified third party front end systems

                Contact details

                Market data and technical services
                Sales team
                (Mon to Fri from 08:00 to 24:00 MSK)
                Т +7 (495) 363-32-32, ext. 5656
                Е itsales@moex.com
                Technical Support
                (Mon to Fri from 08:00 to 24:00 MSK)
                Т +7 (495) 733-9507
                Т +7 (495) 287-7691
                Е help@moex.com
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