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Independent Practitioner's Assurance Report to the management of Public Joint Stock Company "MOSCOW EXCHANGE MICEX-RTS" (the 'Company') in respect of the Company's response to the IOSCO Principles for Financial Benchmarks as at 25 February 2017.
We have been requested by Public Joint Stock Company "MOSCOW EXCHANGE MICEX-RTS" to provide you with a copy of the Independent Practitioner's Assurance report in respect of the its detailed response to the Principles for Financial Benchmarks published by the International Organization of Securities Commissions, in accordance with the terms of our engagement letter dated 9 December 2016.
The Report was prepared solely for the use of Public Joint Stock Company "MOSCOW EXCHANGE MICEX-RTS" and addressed issues specific to it. Accordingly, we may not have addressed issues of relevance to you. Further, the Report was concluded on the stated date on the Report, and we have not undertaken any further work since that time. Material events may therefore have occurred which will not be reflected in the Report.
Whilst we are prepared to provide a copy of the Report to you, it is only on the basis that you acknowledge and agree that:
- Ernst & Young VNESHAUDIT LLC (including its partners, employees, agents, subcontractors) accepts no responsibility and shall have no liability in contract, tort or otherwise to you or any other third party in relation to the contents of the Report.
- Any use you make of the Report is entirely at your own risk.
- You will not provide copies of the Report to any third party without our prior written consent.
- The terms of this letter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Russian law and any dispute regarding these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Arbitration Court of Moscow.
By clicking on the "I Agree" button below, you signify that you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Distribution or disclosure of any portion of the Report or any information or advice contained therein is prohibited.