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                List of services

                Supervisory Board of Moscow Exchange

                The scope of responsibility of the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange shall include the general running of the Company, except for issues referred by the Federal Law On Joint-Stock Companies to exclusive jurisdiction of the General Shareholders Meeting.

                The main functions of the Supervisory Board are:

                • Establishing basic long-term targets of the Company’s activity; determining the strategy and priority directions of the Company’s activities;
                • Determining principles of and approaches to creation of the risk management and internal control system in the Company;
                • Ensuring efficient control over Company’s financial and business activity;
                • Ensuring shareholders rights exercising and protection, assistance in corporate conflicts settlement;
                • Facilitating the Company’s executive bodies in their efficient performance, including but not limited to, through control of their activity;
                • Procuring that the Company is transparent, discloses information in full and in due time;
                • Monitoring the Company’s corporate governance practices and its material corporate events.

                In performing their duties the members of the Supervisory Board shall be governed by the Federal Law On Joint-Stock Companies, the Federal Law On Organized Trading, other federal laws and regulations of the Russian Federation regulating the issues of the activity of the trade organizers and the area of financial markets, and the issues of corporate governance of joint stock companies, as well as by the Company’s Charter, decisions adopted by the General Shareholders Meeting, the present Provisions and other bylaws of the Company, the Corporate Governance Code recommended by the Bank of Russia.

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