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                List of services

                Instruction for connections migration from the DMZ segment

                WHAT IS HAPPENING:

                Before 01.01.2021 all the clients who connect to MOEX using the Universal Scheme or ConnectMe services have to reorganize their connection infrastructure in order to comply with the requirements of the CBR № 684-П and GOST-R 57580.1 documents.

                WHAT HAS TO BE DONE:

                Connections to MOEX from DMZ segment must be migrated to CLT or new CLT2 segments.


                1. Prepare the list of servers in the DMZ segment and the list of logins used for connection to MOEX on these servers.
                2. Plan migration of these servers and their software to CLT and CLT2 segments.
                3. Send the login change forms with new CLT and CLT2 IP addresses added to current ones to the technical access department.
                4. Migrate the servers to CLT and CLT2 segments. This process can be split to stages and doesn’t require MOEX assistance.
                5. Send the login change forms to the technical access department in order to update IP addresses.
                6. Notify MOEX after the migration via the email to help@moex.com to get instructions on switching DMZ segment to peer-link mode.


                If you use the Universal scheme or ConnectME according to the "no redundancy" scheme, you can transfer servers from the DMZ segment to the CLT segment without the CLT2 segment configuration.

                If the Universal scheme or ConnectME is used according to the "redundant" scheme, then connections from the CLT segment will go through the network of first telecom operator, and connections from the CLT2 segment will go through the network of the second telecom operator. This feature can be used to balance traffic between operators. It is recommended to use CLT for connections to the derivatives market and CLT2 - for connections to the Equity, Bond and FX markets. Attention: with any load-balancing configuration, fault tolerance is maintained: network failure of any of the operators may require reinstalling connections to the Exchange, but will not lead to a connection failure.
                USEFUL: in order to find out the addresses of the CLT2 subnet allocated to you, you need to increase the second octet of the CLT subnet address by 4. For example, if CLT addresses start at 10.161.41, then CLT2 addresses will start at 10.165.41.

                More detailed technical information on network diagrams and segments, as well as on routing settings in the new CLT2 segment, can be found here:


                Technical support department:
                E help@moex.com
                Т +7 (495) 733-9507, +7 (495) 287-7691

                Technical access department (for ID change forms submission)
                E client-tehdostup@moex.com
                Т +7 (495) 363-3232, доб. 3377

                Software configuration manual

                1. For your own ASTS Bridge, in the option "Connect from specified network interfaces in the following order:", instead of the IP address of the server from the DMZ segment, specify the new IP address of the server from the CLT / CLT2 segment.


                1. For MOEX Trade Terminals operating through their own ASTS Bridge, instead of the old IP addresses of ASTS Bridge gateways, it is necessary to register new IP addresses from the CLT / CLT2 segments.
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