Plaza Workstation/MOEX Board Terminal
MOEX Board Information System (hereinafter, the MOEX Board System) is an integrated set of computer hardware and software comprising the sub-system for interest indication and generation of instrument quotes enabling the user to indicate interest and generate quotes and the sub-system for announcing and viewing indicative instrument quotes allowing to announce and view indicative quotes.
MOEX Board Terminal in the quoting mode is a workstation/terminal used to access the sub-system for announcing and viewing indicative instrument quotes of the MOEX Board System in the quoting mode and to provide informational and technical services related to the use of the MOEX Board System, as well as other services.
The right to use MOEX Board Terminal in the quoting mode may only be provided to the clients that have been provided with access to the sub-system for announcing and viewing indicative instrument quotes of the MOEX Board System in the quoting mode in accordance with the MOEX Board System Rules.
MOEX Board in the viewing mode is a workstation/terminal used to access the sub-system for announcing and viewing indicative instrument quotes of the MOEX Board System in the viewing mode and to provide informational and technical services related to the use of the MOEX Board System, as well as other services.
The right to use MOEX Board Terminal in the viewing mode may only be provided to the clients that have been provided with access to the sub-system for announcing and viewing indicative instrument quotes of the MOEX Board System in the viewing mode in accordance with the MOEX Board System Rules.
Communication channel bandwidth requirements
- Min. 512 kb/sec recommended
MOEX Board Terminal computer requirements
- Processor: min. Pentium 2.5 GHz or higher
- Random access memory: min. 512 MB
- Hard disc free space: min. 200 MB
- Video card: 1280 x 1024 High colour
- Monitor: 21 inches
- Network interface card: Ethernet 100 Mb
- Operating system: Windows 7 or later