Clearing terminal update to v.1.5.6
Dear client,
We would like to inform you that on the 22nd of February, 2021 we are planning to implement new version of the Clearing terminal 1.5.6, which provides opportunity to manage the restriction regarding start time for execution of trades on the FX and derivatives markets ("Early trading").
New in the version 1.5.6 of the Clearing terminal:
1. Structure of CT messages is changed:
- Broker element is added by optional boolean attribute "Admission to morning trading" (MorningTrades);
- BrokerList list’s element is added by optional boolean attribute "Admission to morning trading" (MorningTrades);
- SCodeMarket element is added by optional boolean attribute "Admission to morning trading" (MorningTrades);
- SCodeList element is added by optional boolean attribute "NCC-NSD account" (CommonNSDAccount);
2. With the aim to include data on markets connected with a Settlement Account into the information received upon the GET request, additional resources of the Clearing terminal, used only for GET requests (v. WEB API Specification, p. 2), are implemented:
- /scodes/ext – the resource for receiving (GET) list of Settlement Accounts with the expanded data on connected markets that returns message of the SCodeExtList type;
- /scodes/ext/{SCode} – the resource for receiving (GET) information on Settlement Accounts with the expanded data on connected markets that returns message of the SCodeExt type;
3. New type of the request "Request for restricting start time for execution of trades with the Clearing House under the Sub-accounts Cluster" BrokerMorningTradesSet is implemented;
4. New type of the request "Request for restricting start time for execution of trades with the Clearing House under the Settlement Account" SCodeMorningTradesSet is implemented;
5. Currency code is processed in the xslt file, if the code starts with "X" then the information on cash funds amounts in the statement, receipt is reflected with 4 decimals, in other cases with two decimals.
Documentation is placed on the following resource:
- Description of changes in the Clearing terminal ver. 1.5.6 (WhatsNewClearterm1.5.6_English)
- WEB-API Specification (CleartermWEB-API_ENG_v1.5.6)
- Xsd-schemes
- Electronic messages formats (Document_Formats_WebAPI_v1.5.6 _eng)
- Xslt-styles
Any questions please direct to:
- issues related to Clearing Terminal testing and technical issues regarding Clearing terminal use – please contact MOEX technical support team at,
- issues related to connecting to the Clearing terminal – please contact Your personal manager,
- issues related to Clearing Terminal development – please contact Clearing Services Promotion Office at
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