01.09.2022 14:22

Customer's software certification to connect to FIFO TWIME ASTS

Please be informed about necessary certification of any customer software that is planned to be used with the FIFO TWIME ASTS service. In accordance with the Software and Hardware Suite Connection Requirements for Customer Software and due to major protocol alteration, any customer software currently using to connect FIFO MFIX Trade service is required to be certified for the FIFO TWIME ASTS connection.

The process of mentioned software certification will take no more than one trading day. Please contact help@moex.com to proceed customer software certification.

You may find the list of test cases to be demonstrated in the attached TWIME_ASTS_test_cases_eng.pdf document.

We are kindly request you to complete the certification before 16 September 2022, otherwise the access to FIFO TWIME ASTS service may be restricted after production launch of the service.


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