01.09.2022 14:42

New trading boards with CNY settlements to add on the money market

Please be informed about planned addition of new trading boards with settlement in CNY on credit, CCP deposits, REPO with CCP and interdealer REPO markets.
Starting from 12 September new trading boards will be available on the T1 securities and money market test environment (INET_GATEWAY).

New trading boards for REPO with CCP:
· EQWY - REPO with CCP 7 days CNY
· EQMY - REPO with CCP 1 month CNY
· EQTY - REPO with CCP 3 months CNY

The list of available securities on new boards will be analogous to list of securities on other REPO boards settled in foreign currency. REPO with CCP trades for 1 or 3 months will be allowed using domestic bonds only.

Please be reminded that the list of available settlement codes is completed with standard codes up to 3 months on the PSRY board.
Trading boards with settle codes up to 1 year:
· GYRP - REPO with CCP with GCP 1 day CNY
· GYOW - REPO with CCP with GCP 7 days CNY
· GYSW - REPO with CCP with GCP 14 days CNY
· GYOM - REPO with CCP with GCP 1 month CNY
· GYSM - REPO with CCP with GCP 2 months CNY
· GYTM - REPO with CCP with GCP 3 months CNY
· GYUM - REPO with CCP with GCP 6 months CNY
· GYNM - REPO with CCP with GCP 9 months CNY
· GYOY - REPO with CCP with GCP 1 year CNY
New trading board for CCP REPO with GCU negotiated deals:
· PYGC - REPO with CCP with GCP Neg. CNY
New trading boards on the CCP Deposit market:
· DADY - TECH Deposits with CCP CNY
· TDPY - Deposits CCP market settled CNY
· NDPY - Deposits CCP negdeals settled CNY
New options on Credit market:
· CREY - Credits CNY
The security "CNY credit" will be available for credit market users who have suitable permissions.

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