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Admission to trading

Admission to trading

The admission process for the Moscow Exchange's FX and precious metals markets is governed by the FX and precious metals markets' admission rules and comprises the following steps:

  1. Submitting an application for admission to trading (see appendix 1 to the admission rules).
  2. Submitting documents in accordance with the list indicated in appendix 2.
  3. Gaining admission to National Clearing Centre (NCC) clearing services. We recommend filing documents for clearing membership with those for admission to trading.
  4. Furnishing the exchange with two original copies of the organised trading service agreement (unless such an agreement exists already). A sample agreement is given in appendix 3.
  5. Gaining admission to the exchange's Electronic Data Interchange (the EDI) requires:
    • Signing an EDI participation agreement with the exchange (unless such an agreement exists already);
    • Signing a service agreement on distribution and technical maintenance of encryption tools with MB Technologies (unless such an agreement exists already);
    • Producing an electronic signature verification key certificate for "electronic data interchange on the FX market" and " National Clearing Centre Electronic data interchange" in accordance with the EDI rules;
    • Fulfilling other conditions stipulated in the NCC's EDI procedure.
  6. Gaining technical access requires:
    • Furnishing the exchange with an ITS agreement. The following documents are to be signed and enclosed with the agreement:
      • Application (see appendix 5);
      • Power of attorney in the name of the ITS administrator (see appendix 4);
    • Installing a trading terminal;
    • Selecting the method of technical access to trading.

If technical access to trading is via a remote workstation and/or Reuters data transfer system and/or Bloomberg data transfer system, the following are also required:

  • Power of attorney in the name of a trader (see appendix 5) or an application (see appendix 4) (if the trader acts in accordance with the member's constitutive documents). A copy of the trader's ID certified with the signature of an authorised person and a member's seal is also required. Alternatively, if the trader is a Russian citizen, a letter from the member including details of the trader's ID, including date and place of birth, registered and residence addresses, as well as a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority (INN) may be filed.
  • Information about a trader responsible for transactions via a Reuters and/or Bloomberg terminal (see appendices 10/11, respectively).

If the trading member requires technical access to the Technical Centre's software and hardware facilities via external software and hardware tools, they must file a letter of acquisition of technological IDs to the exchange (see appendix 12).

may monitor market data and trading results via the viewing IDs provided by the exchange. To receive an ID, the member must file a letter as per appendix 7.

Trading members' representatives may receive/file documents based on pertinent power of attorney (see appendix 8).

To allow the exchange to control trading members' activities and monitor their financial performance, members must provide data and reports in accordance with the pertinent procedure.

Individuals representing trading members must submit signed consent to personal data processing via the exchange's form.

Procedure for completing documents

For additional information on receiving technical access, please contact us on

+7 (495) 363 32 32, ext. 3377.

For more information on the admission process the FX and precious metals markets, please contact your account manager on +7 (495) 363 32 32.

We welcome any queries and suggestions via our feedback form.

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