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                Terms and Conditions of access to the system

                In accordance with the Rules of the MOEX Board Information System of Joint Stock Company "Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS" (hereinafter - the Rules of MOEX Board) user of MOEX Board information system (hereinafter - the User) is a legal entity or an individual who has been granted access to the MOEX Board information system (further - MOEX Board system).

                Access to the System MOEX Board may be granted to:

                Quotation mode (with the possibility of indicative quotations) shall be provided to legal entities established under the laws of the Russian Federation

                • a licensed professional securities market participant acting as broker and / or dealer and / or asset manager
                • provide written recommendation of at least three registered users with access to the system in the mode of quotation in playback mode (without announcing the indicative quotations) with legal entities established under the laws of the Russian Federation; individuals.
                • legal entities established under the laws of the Russian Federation;
                • individuals.
                1. For access to MOEX Board it is necessary:
                  Submit the Statement on Access, drawn up in accordance with Appendix 01 to the Rules of  MOEX Board:

                for a legal entity (for providing access to MOEX Board in the mode of quotation) –

                • A copy of the license of professional securities market participant, certified by a legal person, or in writing at least three recommendations of users who have access to the MOEX Board System quotation mode. Or copy of the license, but in consultation with the Technical Center is not provided if it was previously presented in OAO Moscow Exchange and CJSC "MICEX Stock Exchange".

                • for individuals - passport copy.

                1. Submit an application to order the MOEX Board terminal.

                2. Conclude an agreement on information and technical support of the Technical Center in the form provided in Appendix №1 to the "Terms of providing Information Technology Services - Limited Liability Company "MB Technology".

                3. Install the terminal MOEX Board.

                Users - individuals and representatives of Users - legal entities should provide personally signed consent to the processing of personal data in the prescribed form, if such consent has not previously been granted of Moscow Exchange JSC "MICEX Stock Exchange".

                 Participants of the MOEX Board System may further be given the opportunity to enter into contracts of sale of securities using the information specified in the MOEX Board System, with the help of the program complex Center of electronic contracts (EDC).


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